
The exhibition ‘Notebooks and places’ dedicated to Manuel Chaves Nogales arrives in Córdoba

The Andalusian Center of Letters (LIME), dependent on the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sports, launches the exposure about Manuel Chaves Nogales that can be visited in the territorial tourism delegationCulture and Sports in Cordova until November 29 Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. On this occasion, the exhibition will be accompanied by a conference that will be given by the editor and columnist, Ignacio F. Garmendia.

The CAL thus pays tribute to Manuel Chaves Nogales, designated as ‘Andalusian Classic 2020‘, with the exhibition Notebooks and places, Which collects the life and work of one of the great Spanish journalists of all time and a reference for lucid and committed writing in the turbulent times in which he lived.

Notebooks and places is an invitation to tour the settings where the main Andalusian journalist of the 20th century developed his career and shaped his books, which always saw the light previously in newspapers and magazines because They were conceived for serial dissemination in written media. One of the greatest attractions of the exhibition is the possibility of contemplating, for the first time, all first editions of the author’s books as they were published at the time.

Fifty images

The central axis of the exhibition is the 16 panels designed by the artist Manuel Ortiz, and in which more than fifty images are offered: family portraits, newspaper and magazine covers, maps, book covers and even the famous and visionary interview with the Nazi gyrfalcon Joseph Goebbels one of those beings “voted to an ideal” with such sectarianism, Chaves wrote before this was completely and atrociously evident, that in the name of the same “They would shoot their father if he stood in their way”.

A complete graphic material that has been gleaned in the funds of the Library of Andalusia, the Newspaper Archive of Seville, the National Library or the collections of the editor Abelardo Linares and the professor María Isabel Cintas, as well as donated for the occasion by the author’s heirs.

The Andalusian Center of Letters has an exhibition program whose purpose is serve as a bridge between literature and the visual arts, show the value and cultural richness of our literary heritage and disseminate it among citizens. The CAL has various exhibitions of its own production that offer a pedagogical journey through the life and work of the honored authorsthrough handwritten or published documents that make up their legacy and photographs that illustrate their biographies, accompanied by a rigorous catalogue.

On the other hand, the CAL maintains a line of collaboration with certain institutions in the touring of other exhibitionss of diverse nature and themes; from photographic samples, portraits or illustrations linked to the universe of classic stories, to works of visual poetry or that interrelate literature with other disciplines, such as philosophy, cinema and art. art in general. The exhibition of the samples is usually accompanied by conferences, round tables and sessions reading aimed at adult and children and youth audiences.

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