
Between PSOE and Sumar there is still no programmatic agreement for a progressive Government

Tomorrow will be the turn of Alberto Núñez Feijóo and of Pedro Sanchez What is foreseeable is that the king will designate a candidate for the investiture to the current acting president of the Government. But it seems that the negotiations even with his current partner, with Additionr, they are still very green. Between PSOE and Sumar there is still no programmatic agreement for a progressive Government. There will be, according to Yolanda Diazwhich demands more ambition in social rights, taxation… in entrenched issues such as housing. Vox, Santiago Abascal, has been with the king. I am not emphatic about Sánchez, fighting the pacts with the independence movement and declaration with his territorial recipe: the illegalization of the independence parties. This after UPN. I vote no. Canarian Coalition, there is no contact with the PSOE, they say. And the warning of PNV to Sanchez. “It needs all the votes all the time,” says Lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu. The PP demands that he get out of the ambiguity once and for all and be clear with an amnesty.

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