
The Teatre nightclub remained open due to a change in environmental law in 2017

Just a few hours after fire that ended the lives of 13 people on October 1 in the Atalayas leisure area, the City Council initiated a reserved information file as a investigation internal. During the first session of the information commission to analyze what happened in the tragedy, held yesterday in the Abenarabi building, the members were informed of the conclusions of the investigation. According to sources close to the development of this commission, the report, supervised by the director of Urban Planning services, ensures that the damaged procedure that was followed with the damaged premises was correct and that it was carried out in accordance with current legislation. of the Environment of the Region of Murcia of 2009, since there is no autonomous law on Public Entertainment. It is worth remembering that An order to cease operations had been imposed on the Teatre nightclub since 2022which was never executed.

According to these sources, in the conclusions, the instructor explains that there was a legalization procedure by Theater which, under a 2017 change in 2009 environmental legislation, allows establishments to continue operating as long as there are no complaints that the premises are violating environmental legislation. In the Atalayas case there were no complaints in that sense. According to this report, when the inspector receives the order to cease the activity, it is not executed due to this change in legislation in 2017, as was done with the rest of the files in the same situation. In these conclusions, it is also highlightede the lack of resources that the Activities Discipline department has, with only two inspectors to deal with numerous files.

The commission is born

On the occasion of the constitution of the commission, to which councilors from PP and PSOE attended but not from Vox, who have confirmed their refusal to participate, the spokesperson for the municipal government, Rebeca Pérez, wanted to clarify several aspects related to the judicial and administrative sphere. Pérez alluded to the judge’s order that “makes it clear that it is not appropriate to open a separate case against the City Council and therefore rejects the request of one of the families’ lawyers.” Furthermore, this order highlights, according to the vice mayor, “the collaborative attitude” of the City Council with the justice system “and rules out that there has been any type of manipulation or obstruction with respect to that information.”

Regarding the commission, the spokesperson for the local Executive recalled that it is a collegiate body that has been created to know in detail what events occurred that day, make contact with the administrative files related to the damaged premises, more than 2,000 pages, and access information on psychosocial support and emergency assistance from municipal services. He announced that different municipal technicians will participate in the commission to advise and clarify any doubts that may arise.

According to the vice mayor, the development of this body will also improve administrative protocols, providing them with more agility and more legal certainty, and will serve as a boost “for the first municipal coordination plan between services in the event of catastrophes and emergencies.”

Asked if this commission will also serve to clarify political responsibilities, Rebeca Pérez assured that “without a doubt; we already said that we would go to the ultimate consequences.” On absence of Vox councilorsPérez indicated that he found it an “obscene attitude” and accused them of making “a very unpleasant political use of a misfortune.”

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