
Parties with other people’s money – Diario Córdoba

It has always been said that money does not buy happiness, but it helps a lot to achieve something similar, if you stop to think about it. It certainly does not buy health or love, but it allows for some quite acceptable substitutes.

Although the amount is relative – you already know that for some “1.2 billion is nothing, kid” – think about domestic economies, those of normal people, those of the workers who pay mortgages, gasoline, eat daily… Think about the destruction it means for a normal family to have your electricity, bread, or housing monthly payments raised. Because in general all family accounts are up to date (hopefully) and 300 euros or so is a headache.

That is why it never ceases to surprise me that there is talk of 15,000 million euros forgiven with that ease in some cases and yet, for example, the 40 million that the ALS law would require are unaffordable.

What has become clear these days is that giving with other people’s money is very easy and very profitable for some, although the gap between some Spaniards and others increases. Because in the end, make no mistake, this whole independence process has to do with money: with the excuse of supremacism and the difference of the RH, a few have thrown themselves a private party that is becoming increasingly more demanding. It is true that some brainless people do feel superior and unique, but in general the politicians who sold them that motorcycle what they want is more money, more money and more money, in an inexhaustible spiral.

Because explain to me how it is possible that someone who starts as a councilor, for example, ends up climbing the ranks of his party until he has enough money to buy a million-euro home, while us working people see our standard of living increasingly reduced. Could it be that we paid them more? Could it be that their tax advantages are nothing like those of their fellow citizens?

What I am clear about is that we should be much more respectful with the use of the public piggy bank. Because every million euros that is happily spent costs the rest of us many hours of work or hardship. A tiny example: the botched change of the Senate’s coat of arms came out “only” for 12,000 euros, so that in the end it was rejected and the previous one was returned. The day those responsible for events like this have to pay for such excesses with their own assets, they will think long and hard before doing experiments with other people’s money, kid.

*Journalist (@MerBaronaM)

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