
Israel’s wall – Diario Córdoba

The last thing about sanchismo is to continue making friends. I don’t know if the wall that the president wants to build is only between Spaniards, or it also extends to some international relations, which seems to be the case. He has just added the kiss of Judas or Cain to Israel, we already have another wall. They visit that country and their mother lies to them, she tells them through a small mouth that what a shame, look at ‘you’, what happened to them on October 7, and then advises them that the best thing they can do is not defend themselves, not hunt. to the bad guys in the tunnels they have built under daycare centers, schools and hospitals because on top of that there are daycare centers, schools and hospitals, which is like tying their hands and reversing the burden of proof of guilt. I have never understood the hatred towards the Jews, a childish, stupid hatred, perhaps promoted at the time by the Church itself because of the fact that the Jews handed over Jesus Christ. Those of my age will remember that, as children, if a classmate, friend or enemy, spat at us, the insult that jumped like a spring against them was “Jewish.” And these things are internalized a lot through doctrine, there is no doubt. The Inquisition, the expulsions and everything else has given people, for centuries, that absurd and irrational mania. However, with respect to the Arabs, quite the opposite: honeys, (false) examples of tolerance, friends forever ‘nainonainonainoná’ and all that. Curiously, the Jews never fought against Spain or invaded Spain; Muslims, yes. The Jews have always been an essential support of the Castilian monarchies, at an economic and cultural level above all, and, unlike others, the Jews, both in their collective subconscious and in their statements, have always missed Spain, Sefarad, to their homes in Toledo and in so many towns that they loved so much because they were as Spanish as the others; just like the Muslims, by the way, after the years of the conquest. What a shame, what an enormous shame, and how unfair this anger against a people that always loved us and whose surnames many of us still carry. While those who least had to do it, he builds more walls.

*Writer @ADiazVillasenor

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