
The Government will link unemployment aid to accepting SEPE jobs

The president of the Government, Pedro Sanchezhas stated that The Government is working to encourage the incorporation of the unemployed into the labor market during its intervention at the closing of the Multinational Forum with Spain, held this Tuesday in Madrid. The Secretary of State for the Economy, Gonzalo García Andrés, already pointed out this Monday that the objective of the reform of aid to the unemployed is aimed at intensifying the control exercised over the beneficiaries of the benefit if they reject job offers proposed to them. public employment services. The Executive wants the aid to be compatible with a full-time job. Sánchez has also highlighted the growth of foreign investment that has taken place in Spain in the last decade. “Spain closed 2022 as the sixth largest recipient of investments in the world”he assured.

OECD reports indicate that Spain is one of the countries where the least demands are placed on the unemployed when looking for work, along with Chile, Poland, Greece and Turkey. Although the beneficiary is asked for a commitment to seek employment, there are no adequate controls, according to the organization. The changes that the Government is proposing aim to intensify the control exercised over the unemployed if job offers are rejected. The Government’s idea with this reform, according to García Andrés, is “orient the entire system of unemployment benefits towards the reintegration of workers into the labor market”, also taking into account the “shortage” of profiles that have been detected by both the Public Employment Service (SEPE) like the Bank of Spain in “many sectors”, both in sectors with highly qualified labor and in sectors with lower qualifications.

“Years ago, with very high unemployment rates, The unemployment subsidy system incorporated social protection elements that, now, in the labor market we have today, we have covered with the Minimum Vital Income (IMV).“explained the Secretary of State, who believes that “it is time to make this reform” of the level of assistance to activate all workers who are receiving a subsidy.

Stock market rally

The President of the Government pointed out during his speech at the Spanish Multinational Forum that the revaluation of the Ibex in this month of November It is a sign of the stability of Spain’s investments. “Spain continues to generate trust and certainty.” The president has explained that the next legislature will be continuous in terms of economic policy. “We are going to continue consolidating progress”, he assured. Sánchez has promised businessmen “social peace and certainty” for the next four years.

Sánchez has defended that Spain is “without a doubt” a destination of excellence to be able to invest, to create jobs and to generate wealth.. But although the president sees it as “legitimate” for companies to increase their profits, he has insisted that they also have to “get involved and worry” about the social impact that their economic activity generates on the territory and the country in which they operate. And given the uncertainties and “extraordinarily relevant transformations” that the country faces, the president has stressed the importance of public-private collaboration.

To this end, the recent approval by the European Commission of the Addendum to the Recovery Plan and therefore of European funds, will mean the mobilization of up to 163 billion euros until 2026. Along with this, Sánchez believes that Spain has to continue consolidating its leadership role in the international European sphere and be an active part in the global conversation on issues that also “relevant as leaders of their multinationals.”

The president has stressed that Spain continues to inspire confidence and is evidence that all forecasts are confirmed, despite the “doomsayers of catastrophes.” According to the European Commission, the Spanish economy will grow 2.4% this year, 1.7% next year.

“Despite the uncertainty, what I want to tell you is that Spain shows solidity in the macroeconomic field and this is also perceived by the financial markets,” he insisted, after emphasizing that the prospects in the field of foreign investment in the country are ” frankly favorable”. The president has set as priorities the improvement of workers’ qualifications, addressing the improvement of incentives for the long-term unemployed, the control or reduction of inflation or establishing a sustainable fiscal policy, which allows compliance with the commitments with the European Union.

Another of the main points for Sánchez this term is based on completing the reindustrialization process in a green and digital key. “I have to tell you that I am very excited about this entire reindustrialization policy because it means uniting our country in the social sphere and, above all, in the economic sphere”he remarked.

Multinationals ask for stability

The president of Multinationals with Spain, Paloma Cabrera, highlighted at the closing of the Congress that multinationals play a “key” role in the construction of a solid and larger business fabric, according to the Europa Press agency. Specifically, he explained that Spain has more than 14,700 subsidiaries of foreign companies that generate 27.5% of business activity. They are companies that employ 2 million people directly and another 2.6 million indirectly.

“We compete in a global market and in this context it is necessary to have a political, economic and social environment that facilitates business and commercial activity in Spain,” claimed Paloma Cabrera. In this sense, the president of the association has insisted that stability in the political sphere and legal security are “essential” to maintain the confidence of investors in the country. “Our country must aspire to lead the attraction of global investment in the coming years”he stressed.

To contribute to this end, Cabrera has advanced that the association has developed the ‘Plan Atrae’which includes a battery of improvement proposals and which highlights the priority of advancing in the social, territorial, physical, regulatory and administrative environment to attract and maintain investments in Spain.

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