
Albares sees “political will” in Cameron to close an agreement on Gibraltar but does not set dates

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, José Manuel Albares, talks with his new British counterpart, David Cameron.

After a first telephone conversation this Monday, the Spanish foreign minister, Jose Manuel Albaresand his British counterpart, the newly appointed David Cameron, promoter of the referendum that triggered the brexitfaces have been seen in Brussels, coinciding with a ministerial meeting at NATO headquarters In it they have not only talked about Ukraine, the southern neighborhood and the challenge posed by China. Both leaders have taken the opportunity to bilaterally discuss an issue that is still on the table: the Gibraltar status after the United Kingdom left the EU. According to Albaresthe agreement between the EU and the United Kingdom “is very close” and although it does not set dates, it warns that it should not be “delayed”, and that the European elections in June 2024 They should be a “full stop”.

“Today we have made progress because David Cameron has shown that will. He has been willing, and more than willing, to talk to me on the phone. He was the one who requested that telephone conversation and we have talked about specific aspects without there having been any tension or any dispute,” explained Albares after a meeting at the NATO headquarters with Cameron, who this Wednesday meets in Brussels with the vice president of the Commission Maros Sefcovic, focused almost exclusively on Gibraltar and in the elements that separate them from an agreement such as the formula for shared use of the airport and other elements that “due to diplomatic discretion, we keep for negotiation,” explained the head of Spanish diplomacy. Is there agreement on border controls? “When everything is agreed, I guarantee that I will come to see you. “Now we are going to let the teams work,” he added.

Upon his arrival at the headquarters of the Atlantic Alliance, Albares insisted that “the ball is still in the court United Kingdom and that London must decide if it wants an agreement or prefers European law to apply. The meeting has not served to unravel the negotiation but it has served to resume conversations that have been “paralyzed” for a few months. “We are so close that what remains are specific, specific aspects. Most of the agreement has already been agreed upon,” Albares insisted, specifying that what is now about is “finding effective formulas.”

Despite the optimism with which he faces this new stage, the minister does not put dates nor does it limit any time horizon, although it admits in a way that the political calendar is pressing. Madrid and London have given instructions to their negotiating teams to resume the talks, which should not be “delayed any further” given that the pact should be closed before the start of the election campaign. european elections which will take place at the beginning of June 2024. “The agreement has to be closed with the European Commission and we are going to have elections for a new commission in June so that is also a final point, the start of the campaign for the European elections” , has manifested.

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