
10 tips to improve the profitability of an SME in Spain

Based on the notes of Angel Hermosilla and the study on the concerns and demands of SMEs registered in the Tactiometer 2023: Study on the concerns and demands of Spanish SMEs, prepared by the consulting firm TactioNext, we develop 10 tips that can serve as a guide to try to improve the profitability of an SME:

  • Do not neglect the investment. Although uncertainty is one of the biggest concerns of SMEs today, the Tactiometer study highlights that more than half of them plan to grow in structure soon. It is essential not to stop investing -even if there are doubts about the future-, because it is the basis of survival and growth. It is an essential condition for evolution and adaptation to changing market conditions.

  • Consolidate markets. Protect and take care of everything achieved so far. Pay special attention to our like-minded clients and take care of each regular sale, which is the support on which future growth or stability can be based in the event of any unforeseen event.

  • To diversify. Both the variety of products and the type of customers, as well as the possibility of geographically expanding sales capacity.

  • Digital marketing. Within this geographical diversification, it is essential to study the ability to invest in digital marketing. It is the present and the future, it is an excellent possibility to put the ‘showcase’ of our company in front of any citizen of the world. Of course, expenses must be carefully evaluated and ensure that they are generating a positive return on investment for the company.

    “Investing in strategy is essential in these times, getting advice and making sure that the paths taken are the correct ones. Many companies usually start by cutting back on the marketing, advertising or training departments, and it is time to do the opposite, to boost them”says the business strategy expert. Fermosel.

  • Capturing talent and human capital. In addition to selecting an ideal profile, the business mentality must propose innovative labor logic and relationships in the search for greater commitment, reputational and productivity improvement because one of the greatest difficulties today for an SME is in recruitment and retention. of talent. A company must become attractive to workers and not only because of the work it does, but because of the company’s own philosophy and amenities.

  • Efficient organization. Work on internal organization and continue improving the quality of management of our small and medium-sized companies, in addition to promoting policies that do not discourage growth in companies.

  • Innovate. Four out of every ten SMEs are below 70% utilization of their internal productive capacity and productivity improvement is closely related to innovation capacity. In this process, to innovate you need people who think. How many people are dedicated to thinking and trying new things in SMEs?

  • Digitalization culture. There is a fear of digitalization in certain people that interrupts this process, which increases productivity. So, beyond implementing technology, cultural awareness must be raised about digitalization within the company (and banish the belief that any technology that enters the company will eliminate jobs).

  • Stimulate workers economically by objectives. Variable remuneration according to the objective has gained weight in many SMEs and the data indicates that it works. Given that, can this variable remuneration be extended to other parts of the company?

  • Cost control. Implementing cost control is crucial at this time, especially paying attention to supplies, transportation and energy costs, which is what has increased the most recently. “Company managers are paid for making decisions based on measured data, they are paid for making decisions based on numbers, setting objectives, following them and modifying course if necessary. It is absolutely essential to know the balance sheet and income statement for this, understand them and have dashboards that make it possible to change the operation of a business, if necessary, to change its final result.”points out Víctor Fermosel.


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