
José Manuel Miñones, Minister of Health, visits Cofares

The acting Minister of Health, José Manuel Miñones, has visited Cofares with Eduardo Pastor, president of Cofares, and its Governing Council. Thus, he has known closely the value proposition of this 100% Spanish capital company as a leader in pharmaceutical distribution, comprehensive health services and solutions. The acting Minister of Health has thanked Cofares for “the service it provides not only for the pharmacy offices, but for the citizen, which is the goal.” And he has congratulated the company on its 80th anniversary, which it will celebrate next year, and which “demonstrates the strength of Cofares as the most important pharmaceutical distributor in Spain,” explained Miñones.

Eduardo Pastor has indicated that this visit reinforces the dialogue between Ministry of Health and Cofares: “At a time when social and health challenges are increasingly complex and demanding, promoting innovations and improvements is a commitment and shared responsibility between the public and private sectors. This is why it is so important to build bridges of dialogue, which are essential to find joint formulas that ensure the well-being of citizens and the sustainability of the National Health System. Cofares maintains a firm commitment to institutional cooperation as a strategic ally of health administrations and community pharmacy to achieve this objective.”

Cofares is a national and international reference as guarantor of equitable, punctual access and in conditions of maximum security for more than 460 million medicines and health products per year. Through a strategy based on innovation and diversification, the company guarantees the provision of services to 70% of patients who go to Spanish community pharmacies.

During the tour, Minister Miñones visited the company’s ‘Control Tower’, which shows Cofares’ firm commitment to excellence in processes, digitalization and data-based intelligence. Specifically, it is a cutting-edge analytical platform that allows us to know in real time and guarantee the traceability each month of 30 million medicines and health products throughout the entire national territory.

“As a key agent within the medicine value chain, we lend our full collaboration to the Ministry of Health and we put ourselves at their service by providing our capacity and knowledge. Furthermore, thanks to our network and capillarity, with 46 warehouses and logistics centers throughout the country, we are a company with backbone capacity within the National Health System,” Pastor assured.

Eduardo Pastor has reaffirmed Cofares’ commitment to improving the health of Spanish society and has especially thanked Minister Miñones for his visit to the company.

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