
The Torreparedones forum hosts Las Dionisiacas Rurales

The archaeological park of Torreparedones It hosts the Rural Dionisiacas during the weekends of November. Ana CruzCouncilor for Culture and Tourism, explains that The Rural Dionysias are Roman festivals which were celebrated in the month of Poseidon to promote the fertility of the sown fields during the fall and included festivals of theater. “They will take place in the Torreparedones forum and the performances will be carried out by the Córdoba theater company La Vidriera Teatro,” said the mayor.

The presentation will take place on November 3 in the courtyard of the Historical Museum at 7:00 p.m. and there will be a reading dramatized Ajax by Sophocles.

Cruz has also reported that for the performances in Torreparedones The City Council will provide a free bus that will leave the Núñez de Prado oil mill at 9:30 a.m. and consists of two activities. A theatrical visit to the site at 10:30 a.m., and which has a limited capacity of 55 people who complete the bus, and at 12:00 p.m. in the forum the play is staged, On this occasion the capacity is 200 people for those who want to attend with their vehicle.

Dates and titles

The dates and titles of the works are, Saturday, November 4, Miles Gloriosus, by Plautus; November 11 Romulus the great, by Friedich Durrenmatt; the 18th SPQR for the Senate and the people of Romeby Clara del Valle, and on Sunday the 26th Medea, of Euripides. This activity, which is carried out with a subsidy from the Provincial Council of Córdoba and the Next Generation funds that this new municipal government has obtained.

Maria Jesus Serranomayor of Baenahas indicated that since “we took possession we have been working to put Baena in its place on that map of the globalized that we are a benchmark in cultural tourism and inland tourism and Torreparedones is one of its flagships.” He has also pointed out that since access to the site was facilitated after months of closure They have organized open days so that Torreparedones is known. “We have worked to obtain this grant and we are working to reorganize everything that has been lost in these past four years so that we can once again have a presence with the Banecultura tourism brand throughout the world”.

With this objective, he has announced that in Fitur will present an important package of actions and measures “so that we can have that reference regarding what the wealth and potential of our people and we can generate employment and economic activity, thus diversifying the economy and complementing that main base which is the olive grove and our extra virgin olive oil.”

Finally, he encouraged all citizens to enjoy the different works that will be performed in the Torreparedones forum and Get to know the archaeological park with these free activities.

To travel on the bus it is necessary to reserve a place from Monday to Friday for the Saturday or Sunday activity at the Tourist Office.

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