
JURA LEONOR | Leonor de Borbón, Princess of Asturias: heiress, cadet and television star

The next event that will be presided over by the Princess of Asturias with the Constitution already sworn could be the delivery to the Navy of the submarine S81 Isaac Peral, one of the most anticipated means of combat by Defense. This appointment of the princess, scheduled for November 30, is a forecast that is still managed informally in the Navy, in the absence of official confirmation from the Royal House.

Who would attend in Cartagena is, after all, the godmother of that ship, the girl who presided over its launching in April 2021, now of legal age. This official act is an agenda item, a sketch in the currently very military work plan of the heir to the throne of Spain. When the time comes for the Magna Carta to be sworn in to the King’s first daughter, she is undergoing the first year of military training that will last until 2026.

After the flag oath that he took in Zaragoza, the corresponding days of rest, the Hispanidad parade and the much talked about hot Greetings to your fellow promotions At the reception of the Royal Palace, the Borbón cadet has ahead of her the longest military training of those given to heirs of royal houses in Europe.


In August 2024, having become an Army student ensign and after a month of vacation, the Marín Naval School (Pontevedra), the main training center of the Navy, and the training ship Juan Sebastián Elcano, on board of which he will make a voyage of at least four months.

When, in August 2025, he enrolls in the General Air Academy, in Santiago de la Rivera (Murcia), he will already be a second-year midshipman and will be entering the last year of the training that Defense and the Royal Family considered necessary for those who will hold the constitutional rank of “supreme command” of the Armed Forces.”

Leronor de Borbón with his father, King Felipe VI, during the tribute to the soldiers killed by Spain, before the parade on October 12. David Castro

The young woman Eleanor of BourbonBefore starting your university studies, you will have had to learn notions of topography, ballistics, tactics, strategy, weapons systems, cartography, physics, elasticity of materials, navigation, fluid mechanics, algebra, air navigation…

If Zarzuela avoids the problems of not following tradition, Leonor will start Right, like his father, at the Autonomous University of Madrid, and will complete training in Washington. He will be Law, most likely completed with a mezklum of subjects from other disciplines, and a master’s degree in International Relations, a program that, with custom, gives de facto the answer to the question of What studies should a monarch have in these times?

Zarzuela already followed the custom by enrolling the princess in the Santa María de los Rosales school in Madrid, a center close to the Borbón residence on the northwest outskirts of Madrid, prestigious but not among the first in the most popular school classifications. educational. Rosales occupies 21st place on the list of private schools from, one of the most read.

He UWC College of Wales, where the Princess of Asturias has attended secondary education, has a more exclusive brand… and price. For this year she publishes her board of trustees – that of the United World Colleges Foundation – a rate of “between 95,000 and 110,000 dollars” (between 92,000 and 104,000 euros) for two years of International Baccalaureate.

Asturias Blue

Swearing in the Constitution, Leonor enters politics, But in this phase of his biography, military matters mainly flank his profile. After all, she is on track to become a 21-year-old lieutenant in the General Corps of Land and Air and a second lieutenant in the Navy in 2026.

Since the aircraft carrier Príncipe de Asturias was dismantled (2018), the title held by this young woman for name the next important ship that the Navy acquires, point out sources from that Defense sector.

There is still no “Princess of Asturias” in the fleet. Yes, there is a hospital in Madrid named after her, but it is called “Infanta Leonor.” The title freezes the fluorescent sign on its façade, in the district of Vallecas, as well as the names of Infanta Leonor schools in Madrid, and its neighbor San Agustín de Guadalix, in Mazarrón (Murcia), Tomares (Seville) and Piedras Blancas (Asturias).

Poster of Princess Leonor and her banner on a blue background, placed in Madrid for her swearing in of the Constitution. Jose Luis Roca

Little by little, as the Princess gains prominence and public presence, the emblem granted to her by law will become more visible. To her grandfather, King Juan Carlos, it was preceded in official cars, ships and public events by a banner with the shield of Spain surrounded by the golden fleece – which Leonor has also already been awarded – on a dark blue background. He king philip It has as its pennant the same shield, the same collar, but its own color, a crimson background. This is what the royal decree that establishes the forms and uses of the State flags calls it.

A Royal Decree issued on October 30, 2015 determined “the arms of Her Royal Highness the Princess of Asturias” in “the corresponding Script and Banner.” It was his father who chose the color, and he previously had the Royal Academy of History advise him. The tone for the background is the “blue color of the flag of the Principality of Asturias”, says the regulations published in the BOE, which also regulates its construction – “of strong wool or synthetic fiber fabric” – and the sizes with which It must fly in palaces, camps and airfields, ships, aircraft and land vehicles.

TV star

Leonor’s banner will be seen on the day of her constitutional oath before the Cortes, and will be part of the iconography shown on television.

Another television coup is expected this fall, which is turning out to be so monarchical due to the accumulation of the heiress’s acts. Leonor de Borbón Ortiz is, after all, the princess and her double circumstance, military for the moment, and media star.

Dressed as an Army cadet lady, on the right and one step behind her father – as protocol dictates – she achieved what until now has been its highest audience peak during the parade on October 12, the military parade that has attracted the most television coverage in Spain, with a 48.89% share.

Very shortly before, the broadcast of his flag oath at the General Military Academy of Zaragoza was, with a 22.3% share, the most watched space on public television on Saturday, October 7. And a week after the parade, on the 20th, when she stood at the Princess of Asturias awards lectern, she raised the average audience for that ceremony on La 1 by five points, to 14.8% sharerelegating not only the press conference on anti-terrorist alert that the Minister of the Interior was giving at that time, Fernando Grande-Marlaskaalso to the afternoon magazine Ana Rose.

The constitutional text that Princess Leonor abides by in the next act of this institutional choreography still enshrines in its article 57 the preference of men over women in the succession order. No one in the political circle has expressed opposition to the reform of that precept, but this change is hindered by the reinforced parliamentary mechanism that it entails, which means that no legislature finds the right moment.

The article, however, does not de facto represent any impediment if right now, before everyone who sees and understands it, Leonor had to ascend to the thronesince he has no male relative who could dispute it to the same degree.

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