
ERC, EH-Bildu and BNG publish a manifesto rejecting the monarchy and Leonor’s swearing-in ceremony

ERC, EH-Bildu and BNG have released a statement this Tuesday, in line with the swearing in of the Constitution of Princess Leonor, in which they emphasize that they do not recognize or protect the Spanish monarchical regime because they assume “a lock on the national and social aspirations” of Catalonia, the Basque Country and Galicia.

“Neither monarchy, nor Constitution. Democracy. Freedom. Republics” is the title of the manifesto in which these sovereignist forces explain that They will not participate in the swearing in of the Constitution on the part of Princess Leonor because “neither him king Nor do their heirs have the legitimacy of our societies.” and, consequently, they do not recognize any political or institutional function.

In the declaration, the Catalan, Basque and Galician independence forces affirm that the monarchy constitutes one of the “maximum exponents of the denial of civil, political and national rights” and the “maximum expression of inequality, privileges and impunity compared to other citizens.”

The text adds that the monarchy, “regardless of who heads it, represents the elites against the majority; privileges versus rights and impunity versus justice. Values ​​all of them contrary to the social majorities of the State.”

They also vindicate the republican values ​​of “equality, justice and democracy and they insist that “a real democracy will only be viable through respect and recognition of the rights, freedoms and wills of all the national peoples of the State.”

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