
A Barcelona judge orders the search and capture of the love scammer

The Criminal Court number 1 of Barcelona has ordered the search, capture and imprisonment of Albert Cavalléknown as ‘the love scammer’, to appear at the fraud trial that is pending in this court and in which neither in May nor this Wednesday has it appeared.

Albert Cavallé has not appeared at trial and has yet to serve another sentence

Another search order from the Barcelona Court has already weighed on Cavallé since July to comply with the firm prison sentence accepted by himself continued fraud, theft and appropriation of two years and three months. Cavallé has already been tried several times for scam women to whom he asked for money and did not return it and to whom he made believe that he was in love. In some cases he has been acquitted and in others he already has convictions, but he has never been imprisoned.

Sentence of two years and three months

Cavallé was sentenced last February to two years and three months in prison for deceiving six women into keeping 68,500 euros, after reaching an agreement with the prosecution and the complainants. As all the parties agreed, the sentence handed down by the court is final, that is, it does not allow appeal against it, so the fraudster had to voluntarily enter the penitentiary center of his choice, but he has not appeared in chief. Both the prosecution and the public ministry requested nine years and ten months in prison for him for a continuous crime of fraud, one more of theft, misappropriation and two crimes of obstruction of justice. Finally, he was sentenced to two years and three months.

In May he was going to be tried for another scam, and faced a sentence of more than two years in prison, but he did not appear. A few days later he justified his absence. He was notified of this Wednesday’s date to finally hold the trial, but he did not appear either. For this reason, the prosecution has requested imprisonment, which the magistrate has accepted and ordered.

Cavallé now has ten days to voluntarily appear in court. If he does not do so, the Mossos will include him in the database of fugitives from justice. If he is captured, he will be brought to justice and will surely be imprisoned until the trial is held. The incarceration order will be in effect until January 7, 2026 at the latest.

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