
A show will remember the figure of the dancer Luis del Río at the Gran Teatro

Stylized dance, bowling school and flamencoBesides of popular dance Las cordobesasthey will meet on the tables of the Great theater for pay tribute to the dancer from Córdoba Luis del Río on the centenary of his birth, a spectacle that is planned loaded with emotion, As stated this Wednesday by the artistic director of the stage space, Ana Linaresand Carmen del Rio, former director of the dance conservatory that bears the honoree’s name, as well as his niece.

Luis del Río, dance time in Córdoba will be put on stage on the 7th, at 8:00 p.m., with the collaboration of institutions such as IMAE and the University of Cordobafor remember and value the figure of this dancer and make his legacy known, especially as a teacher, andrecognize an artist who did great work for dance, not only in Córdoba, but nationwide.

After thanking the collaboration of all those involved in this production, Carmen del Río has been in charge of describing the show, in which artists such as Paloma Gómez, Isaac Muñoz and Rubén Molina, among many others, and which will be divided into three parts that will be conducted by actress Belén Benítezalso family of the honoree.

Luis del Río. CORDOVA

Three parts

In the first, the traditional bowling school will be the protagonist, with the participation of all the dance conservatories of Andalusia. The stylized dance will follow with a sample of emblematic pieces of his choreographic legacy as Cordova from Albéniz, Andalusia from Lecuona, The short life of Failure, etc. Flamenco will be the next style that will be displayed on stage, moment in which the popular dance Las Cordobesas will be recovered in its original guitar versionwith music of Chica and Luis Bedmar, letter of Miguel Salcedo Hierro and the choreography of Luis del Río. Finally, the dancer Lola Perez will close the show.

“Interdisciplinarity dominates this montage“, something that the dancer always developed,” continued the former director of the conservatory, who explained that in the scenography the works of Rafael Botígreat friend of the artist.

Great career

For his part, Linares has highlighted that this montage It is part of the program that is celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Gran Teatro and has recounted part of the extensive work of the dancer, who left in 1947 for Madrid to complete his training together with the great dance masters of the time, “who very soon realized the worth of Luis del Río.” In the 50s he was part of the best companies, acting alongside Manolo Caracol, Juana Reina or Pepe Marchenawith whom he toured the world.

Upon his return to Córdoba in 1965, he obtained his degree in Spanish Dance and a year later entered the city’s Dance Conservatory, “where he met talents such as Miguel Salcedo Hierro or Luis Bedmar and created the educational program of the first regulated teachings of Spanish Dance, which other conservatories later adopted.”

Since then, students from the category of María Pagés, Angela Molina, Olga Pericet or Matilde Coralwho “are or have been number one in their professional career,” Linares highlighted.

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