
A study demonstrates the safety of radiofrequency treatment against fibroids

A study in which they have participated ten public and private hospitals in Spain has demonstrated the effectiveness and safety of a new technique for elimination or reduction in the volume of uterine fibroids in women and its associated symptoms through use of radiofrequency vaginally.

This study, which has been presented at the 37th National Congress of the Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (SEGO) celebrated on Cordovais the first to be held in Spain on a multi-center basis, according to a statement from the Congress organization.

This technique consists of the application of heat generated by radio frequency, which causes necrosis coagulative with denaturation of the fibroid proteins causing a reduction in its volume and a decrease in the associated symptoms.

Decrease in fibroid volume

The study has demonstrated improvement in different clinical variables of the patients, such as high mean decrease in fibroid volume -between 60-70% of fibroids at 6 and 12 months- and a total elimination in a third of them six months after treatment.

It has also been confirmed reduction in the severity of symptoms -in total days of bleeding and days of heavy menstrual bleeding-, or a low level of intraoperative and postoperative complications and discomfort and pain associated with the technique.

Furthermore, it has demonstrated, according to the statement, that patients require less recovery time after the intervention, which allows them to return to work more quickly, which in more than 95% of cases occurs in just one week.

In total, they were analyzed 512 patients in whom 546 fibroids were treated through vaginal radiofrequency ablation.

The presence of uterine fibroids in women is “increasingly common, which, together with the growing interest of many patients in preserving their uterus, has led to the development of less invasive alternatives to the most common surgery for the treatment of fibroids, such as hysterectomy – removal of the uterus and cervix through the vagina or abdomen – or myomectomy – removal of uterine fibroids -.

In this research work, coordinated by Dr. Ángel Santalla from the Virgen de las Nieves University Hospital in Granada, the University Hospital of Navarra, the Hernán Cortés Hospital Group of Zaragoza, the Puerta de Hierro University and Ramon y Cajal of Madrid have also participated. ; the Torrecárdenas University of Almería; the Virgen de la Arrixaca University Clinic in Murcia; the clinic. Our Lady Del Carmen Serviginobst of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria; the Santa Lucía University (Cartagena) and the Virgen de la Victoria Clinical Hospital in Málaga

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