
A Vox spokesperson is exposed live after it comes to light that she is lying

This Wednesday night, Pepa Millán, spokesperson for Vox in the Congress of Deputies, was interviewed on ‘La noche en 24 horas’, a program presented by Xabier Fortes on the 24-hour channel of RTVEThe interview had a tense tone throughout the evening, but one moment stood out when journalist Esther Palomera called out the far-right guest for false information she defended.

The Vox spokesperson assured that, regarding an investigative article on the financing of the far-right party, Vox had responded to the questions that the media had sent them.“Despite not having any obligation, because we have no obligation to respond in writing to what seemed more like a police questionnaire, we did it because we have nothing to hide and the questions posed by that newspaper were answered point by point,” said Pepa Millán.

In fact, the spokesperson for Vox He showed a document in which, supposedly, the responses they had received appeared, stating that the article had been published that same morning without any of the words they had responded to appearing.

Esther Palomera, a journalist who was at the table during the interview, responded to Pepa Millán, assuring that she was lying: “The paper is not an email. It is an internal document that Vox makes for itself. (…) What it says (the paper that Pepa Millán shows) is that a journalist has contacted Disenso to ask some questions and someone is told that the answer has to be such and such. This second email is never sent. Mrs. Millán, you lied, you did not send any response.”

Far from rectifying, the Vox spokesperson contradicted herself without resolving what happened and Fortes tried to close the debate, despite Millán’s insistence: “Every time we are talked about, we are called racists and fascists.” At that moment, The host of the program stopped her to say that no editor of public television called any Vox leader “fascist,” to which Millán said that she had not said “fascist,” a word she had mentioned seconds before..

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