
Aemo estimates that the price of oil could have peaked

The Spanish Association of Municipalities of Olivo has recently held its Extraordinary National Assembly (Aemo), where the entity’s technical team presented a report on the situation of the price of olive oil in Spain and the director of Aemo, José Mª Pencopointed out that could have reached ceiling, although this market is difficult to predict. This official indicated that the oil has never reached the current price, since for the extra virgin category they have exceeded 8.5 euros per kilogram at origin.

The technical team detailed the causes of evolution and informed the partners of the actions that are being implemented to explain the current market situation to society and the press.

At the assembly they were renewed members who will lead the institution. The board of directors will continue to be chaired by the City Council of Montoroin the person of its mayor, Lola Amo, which will be accompanied by institutions with extensive territorial coverage. Thus, the Jaén Provincial Council holds the 1st vice presidency; the Provincial Council of Seville, the 2nd vice presidency; the Provincial Council of Tarragona, the 3rd vice presidency; the Provincial Council of Córdoba, the Secretary; the Monterrubio City Council (Badajoz), the treasury; and the town councils of Mora (Toledo), Martos (Jaén) and Aguilar de la Frontera (Cordova), as well as the Provincial Council of Cádiz, the members. In addition, the Provincial Council of Granada and the Town Hall of Zuheros.

The association recalls that the Oleotourism project in Spain will be developed over the next 18 months and aims to establish the oil and olive routes. The provinces involved are Cáceres, Badajoz, Huelva, Seville, Córdoba, Jaén, Ciudad Real and Tarragona. The initiative has a financing of 1.1 million Next Generation funds.

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