
Albares once again addresses the co-official status of Catalan, Basque and Galician with the EU ministers

The Foreign Minister, Jose Manuel Albareshas once again discussed the issue of languages ​​before the ministers of EU European Affairs, met this Thursday in Murcia, as this newspaper has learned from sources present at the meeting. According to the same sources, the issue of Catalan, Basque and Galician will be included as an item of the day in the formal meeting of the General Council of General Affairs (CAG) on the 24th in Brussels.

The one in Murcia is an informal meeting of the CAG, which coordinates the preparation of the meetings of the European Council. In the coming weeks there are two meetings of heads of state and government (the European Council): an informal one in Granada next Friday, and another in Brussels on October 26. It is unknown if the matter will be addressed at that level.

The independence parties started PSOE the commitment to ask the European institutions to include Catalan, Galician and Basque as official languages ​​of the Union in exchange for voting in favor of Francina Armengol as president of the Congress Board. And now they ask that progress be made in European recognition in view of the foreseeable investiture vote of Pedro Sanchez In the next weeks.

Catalan officiality

The official status of Catalan in the EU is one of the main demands of Junts, the group most reluctant to give its support to the investiture of Pedro Sánchez. While ERC has focused more on co-official languages ​​in Congress, the language flag in Europe has been raised by the post-convergents, who even went so far as to ask Albares to register the petition as a condition precedent to her support for Francina Armengol as president of Congress . It is the call “payment in advance”in the words of Carles Puigdemont. Until they were aware of the request, they did not give their definitive ‘yes’ to the Balearic leader.

Now Junts insists on the need for the official status of Catalan to be recognized before Sánchez’s re-election. In the PSOE, however, they allege that the decision does not correspond exclusively to the Government, now in office, but must be taken between all the EU Member States. But the socialists emphasize that they have already shown signs of being willing to fight to the end on this issue, and they trust that a “commitment” In this sense, it serves to decant the support of the seven post-convergent deputies.

Sánchez’s collaborators are increasingly optimistic about the possibilities of his investiture, with the negotiations focused above all on the hypothetical amnesty of the ‘processes’. Once Alberto Núñez Feijóo receive the definitive ‘no’ from Congress This Friday, they want to step on the accelerator. The plan, according to sources from the socialist leadership, is that before the end of October, Sánchez will have been sworn in and formed a government.

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