
An open microphone sneaks into TVE during the ovation for Princess Leonor: “How long does it last, right?”

TVE has turned this Tuesday, October 31, with the swearing in of the Constitution of Princess Leonor. From a set installed outside the Congress of Deputies, public television has broadcast an informative special hosted by Carlos Franganillo and Alejandra Herranzwhich also included the participation of journalists and specialized guests at the Royal House.

After 11:00 a.m. the highlight of the day arrived. After the speech of the president of Congress, Francina Armengolthe Princess of Asturias has sworn to the Constitution before the watchful eyes of the kings, Philip VI and Letiziaand his sister, the Infanta Sofia.

“I swear to faithfully carry out my duties, to uphold and ensure that the Constitution and the laws are upheld, to respect the rights of citizens and the autonomous communities, and to be faithful to the king.”has been the text pronounced by the heir to the throne.

Immediately afterwards, Armengol certified the oath and closed his speech with “long live the Constitution, long live Spain and long live the King.” At that very moment, one of the most striking images of the event occurred, since the attendees They gave rise to a loud and long ovation that lasted almost five minutes.

A gesture to which one of those in charge of commenting on the broadcast on public television has reacted, as heard due to an open microphone that has not gone unnoticed on social networks. “Hey, how long does it last, right?”he said when the applause already lasted more than three minutes.

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