
ANDALUSIA 2024 BUDGETS | The Andalusian budget allocates 62% to social spending and plans to create 53,400 jobs

He Andalusian government has approved this Tuesday the project of Budget Law for the community of 2024which amounts to 46,753 million and allocates a 62 percent to social spending and a total of 5,809.7 million for investmentsa 6.2 percent more that in the present exercise, while contemplating a forecast of 53,400 new jobs.

This has been detailed by the Minister of Economy, Finance and European Funds, Carolina Spainat a press conference after the approval of the Budget Bill and having formally delivered it to the President of Parliament, Jesus Aguirre. The community accounts for next year will begin their parliamentary process until final approval at the end of December by the Plenary.

The 2024 Budgets grow by 1,149 million euros with respect to those of this year, which represents 2.5%. The counselor has highlighted that they are budgets that are committed to families, employment, companies and water and that consolidate the decline in taxes and the economic transformation of Andalusia.

The budgets contemplate the increase in spending available to citizens or non-financial expense (the money that can be invested without taking into account the items destined to pay debt), which increases 5.5% compared to this year and 40% more than what was allocated in 2018 ( the last of the PSOE-A government). “It represents 2,234 million euros more to invest in Andalusians compared to 2023 and 12,369 million if compared to the budgets approved in 2018,” according to Spain.

This increase is mainly due to the increase in tax revenues and reduction in spending aimed at repaying debt, an item that decreases by 25.7% compared to last year. In these budgets for 2024, the items allocated to investments grow more, which increase by 6.2% compared to current spending (personnel, purchases of ordinary goods and services*) , with an increase of 5.4%. Thus, the Bill once again is a budget that supports investment in health, transport, socio-educational or R&D&I infrastructures.

Are investments or “tangible” projects represent 5,809 million euros, a figure 57% higher than the investment items of 2018. On the other hand, two of every three euros of investments are provincializedThat is, 3,862 million euros are allocated to projects in a specific province and another 630.6 million appear in the text destined for several provinces simultaneously, as explained by Spain.

Likewise, he highlighted that the budgets return to break the record in investments for social spending (Health, Education, Social Services, Employment and Culture); support for the productive fabric and hydraulic policies. In this sense, 62 of every hundred euros of the budget will be invested in public services. In this sense, the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs accounts for 30.47% of spending, with 14,246 million euros, a figure that represents 7% of the Andalusian Gross Domestic Product. The Health budget is 3% more than last year and 44.7% more than the 2018 budget.

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