
ANDALUSIA 2024 BUDGETS | The Board allocates 382 million to Córdoba and prioritizes hydraulic investments

The Junta of Andalusia will be allocated in 2024 to Cordova for investments almost 382 million euros, an amount that is similar to that contemplated for the capital and province in the current exercise. It must be remembered that in the 2023 accounts, the figure assigned to Córdoba was initially 380 million, which later reached 383.5 million in the parliamentary process. Within those 382 million for 2024, actions in hydraulic matters play an important role, which will have 41.8 million compared to 19.7 in 2023.

He government council took the first step this Tuesday towards approval of the budgets which the Board will have next year, whose bill has been delivered by the Minister of Economy, Finance and European Funds, Carolina España, to the president of the Parliament, Jesus Aguirre. It is about the second budgets of the PP alone.

Among the money contemplated in the investment annex, which is the section that allows you to see specific quantities, There is no specific item for the secondary network of The Laundry, a project that is awaiting bidding and awarding and for the first works to become a reality. However, sources from the Board assure that La Colada’s connections They will have specific quantities, which, as happens in other projects, will be revealed in the coming hours. In fact, the official presentation of the budgets is scheduled for Thursday in Córdoba. Last week the Government Council approved the budget for the works, which will amount to 11.1 million.

Precisely in his presentation of the budgets, Carolina España has highlighted the “unprecedented effort” that is being produced “in water policies”, with the idea of ​​improving hydraulic infrastructure and guaranteeing supply. In this sense, the counselor has asked for collaboration from the central government, from which she demands “a national pact for water and that Next Generation funds be invested in hydraulic infrastructure.”

By investment volume, Córdoba occupies sixth place after Sevillewith 888.7 million of euros; Malaga, with 615.6; Granada, with 498.4; Cádiz, with 414.6; and Almería, with 402.7. Behind it are only Huelva, with 342.7; and Jaén, with 320.6. It must be taken into account that these are amounts included in the investment annex, so there may be more money planned and collected in generic and unprovincialized items. On this occasion, 66% of the regional budget is provincialized.

If you compare the planned investment per inhabitant in the accounts of the Board, Córdoba is in fifth place, with 494 euros per capita, behind Huelva, with 648; Almería, with 543; Granada, with 540; and Jaén, with 514. Málaga, with 358, has less investment per inhabitant; and Cádiz, with 333. In the accounts in force this year, Córdoba is the penultimate in investment volume and the account in money per resident.

As has happened in other years, Much of the budget will go to agriculture, what in this time it takes 138.8 millionan amount that far exceeds that of last year, when 116 million were allocated.

The connection that the Board must undertake between La Colada and Sierra Boyera is one of the performances that have been waiting for years the northern area, which since April 2023 it has been without water suitable for consumption and with a supply possible thanks to an emergency work between both swamps. The accounts do not specify the specific amount that will be dedicated to executing the shock plan announced by the president of the Deputation, Salvador Fuenteslast month and for which The Andalusian administration will contribute 4 million. With this plan, the Provincial Council and the Board aim to ensure that, with several measures, La Colada’s water is once again suitable for consumption in less than half a year.

Within hydraulic infrastructure, the investment annex provides money for stations purifiersamong them, that of La Guijarrosa.

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