
Antonio Díaz, re-elected vice president of the Andalusian Council of Chambers of Commerce

The full constituent of Andalusian Council of Chambers of Commerce This Tuesday, Javier Sánchez Rojas was re-elected as president of this institution for the next four years in an event in which the Minister of Employment, Business and Self-Employment, White Dewand the president of the Confederation of Businessmen of Andalusia (CEA), Javier González de Lara, the presidents of the territorial Chambers and other personalities from politics and the economic and business world. Furthermore, the representative of Córdoba businessmen and President of CECOAntonio Diazhas been re-elected vice president of the Andalusian Council of Chambers of Commerce.

Javier Sánchez Rojas, who has led the only candidacy to lead the Andalusian chamber network in the new mandate, has had the support of all the plenary sessions, also renewing his executive committee to face a stage “exciting, with great challenges and uncertainties at the same time, but full of optimism and energy to continue supporting our companies and promoting the economic development of Andalusia,” he highlighted in his inauguration speech, in statements sent to the media through a press release.

Javier Sánchez Rojas has a long career in business representation and management and he has also recently been re-elected as president of the Jerez Chamber of Commerce, in addition to being president of the Confederation of Businessmen of Cádiz, vice president of the CEA and member of the board of directors of the CEOE, among other responsibilities.

In search of more “horizons of cooperation”

The re-elected president advanced its efforts in recent years to “expand the horizons of cooperation for create more alliances and synergies to increase the benefits of the work carried out by the Chambers of Commerce, since it was considered that they can be much more useful to companies and society by increasing their collaboration with institutions, entities and companies, as they have been doing in recent years by taking advantage your experience, capillarity in the territory and proximity to the productive fabric”, the press release continues.

Javier Sánchez Rojas also opted for “continue growing with new programs and activities in support of companies in the face of the great challenges of digitalization, innovation and sustainability, opening new areas in their work, such as the agri-food sector or supporting entrepreneurs, startups and the growing Andalusian technological ecosystem”.

For her part, the Minister of Employment, Business and Self-Employment, Rocío Blanco, conveyed her congratulations to the president and Executive Committee of the Andalusian Council of Chambers for his new mandate and made her department available to a “difficult” period like the current one given the forecasts of economic stagnation.

Rocío Blanco announced that these days the 7th Comprehensive Plan for the Promotion of Domestic Trade 2023-2026a strategic program that will reach a budget of 92.8 million, which will mean increase funds by 47% compared to the previous Planand which will focus on promoting the growth and consolidation of commerce, considering factors such as digitalization and greater environmental awareness, as well as promoting permanent training in commerce.

Likewise, the counselor stressed that the community budgets for 2024 include a 33% increase in the funds allocated to nominative subsidies to the Chambers, which will reach an amount of 2.33 million euros next year.

The entire executive committee

Javier Sánchez Rojas will be accompanied by the executive committee of the Council for Antonio Díaz in the Vice Presidency, Daniel Toscano as Treasurer and José María Villén and Gerardo Cuerva as members. The new Plenary Session is made up of the recently elected presidents of the 13 Andalusian Chambers of Commerce who are in the Chamber of Almería, Jerónimo Parra; Chamber of Ayamonte, Bella Carballo; Camera of Cordova, Antonio Díaz; Chamber of Huelva, Daniel Toscano; Cámara de Linares, José María Villén; Chamber of Malaga, José Carlos Escribano; Chamber of Seville, Francisco Herrero; Cámara de Andújar, Eduardo Criado; Chamber of Cádiz, Ángel Juan Pascual; Chamber of Granada, Gerardo Cuerva; Chamber of Motril, Julio Rodríguez, and Chamber of Campo de Gibraltar, Carlos Fenoy.

The Plenary has also re-elected the collaborating members proposed by the CEAWhat are they Luis Fernández Palacios González de Castejón, Natalia Sánchez Romero, Renee María Scott Avellaneda and Moisés Sampedro Abascalwhich will continue in this new mandate.

The Andalusian Council of Chambers is created by Law 10/2001, of October 11, on the Official Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Andalusiaand began its journey in December 2001. The new Law of Official Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Navigation and Services, unanimously supported by all parliamentary groups in October 2019, replaced the previous text, reinforcing the role of the Chambers as providers of public services to companies and that of the Andalusian Council as a representative and dialogue body.

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