
At least six people die in a traffic accident in Bolivia

At least six people they died and seven were injured this Monday, after a public transport minibus fell into a ravine on a highway in La Paz, reported the Rural and Border Police of Bolivia.

Rural and Border Police Colonel Miguel Hidalgo mentioned that the vehicle fell into a ravine approximately 200 meters on the Los Yungas highway towards the municipality of Coroico. According to witnesses, there was fog on the road that made vision difficult; However, the Police are still investigating the causes of the accident.

The injured people, including the minibus pilot, were taken to hospitals in Coroico and La Paz. Hidalgo highlighted the collaboration of the local residents, who helped in the rescue and transfer of the injured.

Accidents on the roads Bolivian They cause around 1,400 deaths and around 40,000 injuries each year.according to official data.

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