
Belarra calls to maintain the “political and social pressure” that made Sánchez move against Israel

The general secretary of Podemos, Ione Belarrahas stressed that it would be “unthinkable” for the President of the Government, Pedro Sanchezwould have made “the slightest reproach” to the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahuwithout the “political and social pressure” before the “genocide” of the Palestinianswhich is why he has called to “persevere” on that path.

Furthermore, he has stressed that countries like Bolivia and Colombia are leading the response to Israel and has once again demanded that economic sanctions be applied to Netanyahu’s political leadership and to break relations with Israel, as well as stop buying weapons from this country.

This was expressed during his speech during an event for the International Day of solidarity with Palestine organized by Podemos, held at the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid and where he denounced that Europe is “following” the policy of alliances with the United States.

Belarra has denounced that the “silence” of the international community in the face of “Israel’s attempted “extermination” of the Palestinian people It is one of the main problems, since it must be demanded that it comply with international law and stop the “war crimes” against the civilian population in Gaza with “absolute impunity.”

A lot of people think that what is happening in Palestine It is unacceptable”the leader of Podemos has stressed to point out that the “Zionist project” that is at the basis, in her opinion, of the construction of Israel as a State is “deeply colonial” and generates an ‘apartheid’ regime for the Palestinians.

At the same time, he has warned of the attempted “criminalization” that is being deployed against people who protest against Israel’s actions, given that showing solidarity with Palestine is labeled as support for terrorism or the mobilizations that are carried out are restricted in some countries. display symbols of support for the Palestinians. Something that links with the strong “propaganda” apparatus available to Israel and certain media sectors.

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