
Cañero Brotherhood | The Presentation to the People is not satisfied with leaving on Holy Thursday

The young brotherhood of Cañero neighborhood has stated through a statement that the day assigned by the highest brother entity cannot carry out a penance station for various reasons of a “pastoral and liturgical nature.”

According to what the corporation indicates, “the brotherhood of the Presentation is a project that was born in a parish community and has developed and grown within a parish life and cannot be separated from it.” They add that, “in continuous dialogue and in total agreement with our parish priest and counselor, we see that the Holy Thursday It has a unique singularity for the life of the Christian community. This day marks the beginning of the Easter Triduum, the main solemnity of the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church, whose celebrations of the Lord’s Supper and the subsequent adoration of the Monument, which take place in the evening and at night, would be seriously disturbed if that day a penitential station would be held from that parish temple.”

Maintain the dialogue

Faced with this situation, the brotherhood wishes to continue maintaining dialogue with those responsible for the Group in order to “seek solutions that, despite being difficult and entailing a new study and a lot of work, guarantee, first of all, that the brotherhood carries out penance in the Cathedral, secondly, the proper functioning of the entire Easterbut and, thirdly, the celebratory life of this community of San Vicente Ferrer”.

The brotherhood considers “reasonable and fair” that the Grouping of Brotherhoods “I present to you an alternative to the day that is offered to us”, in order to be able to “achieve these highly desired objectives of holding a penitence station in the Cathedral and adoring the Blessed Sacrament in it, for this brotherhood and for the entire parish community of “Saint Vincent Ferrer”.

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