

The Cordoba dealers They are celebrating a good year so far sale of new vehicleswith a increase in turnover Despite negative aspects such as the shortage of certain components that occurred after the pandemicinflation or high interest rates, which always make it difficult to grant loans, which are common for purchasing a vehicle that has just left the factory.

The data

The raw figures reveal that until the month of October, in the province of Cordova 5,396 passenger cars and SUVs were sold, the main type of motor vehicle (always in the vehicle segment; second-hand sales move much higher numbers today). He accumulated increase in the first ten months of the year that is about to end amounts to a 10.71 percent. In the month of October alone, 581 operations were carried out, with an increase of 27.69 percent compared to the same month in 2022.

With two months left until the end of the year, the figures could be even slightly better when the annual balance sheet is made. The manager of the Association of Workshops and Automotive of Córdoba -which includes dealers, but also automotive and repair services-, José Manuel Rodríguez-Carreteroestimates that the growth of the sector «It will be around 10 or 15 percent». Unfortunately, it will continue to be around 17 percent lower than what there was before the pandemic.

A couple checks the navigator in their car. CORDOVA

Moderation in rates

In the current situation, the sector hopes that “the rate moderation and inflation suppose a release of disposable income and better expectations that make sales happy. It must also be taken into account that the central government has just approve the expansion of the Moves III plan, an aid program for the purchase of electric cars which was activated for the first time in 2019 and was resumed during the pandemic.

However, not everything is good in this catalog of subsidies in the eyes of employers. To start, the Moves plan does not reach second-hand vehicleseven if they are clean, nor to plug-in hybrids, a segment with a lot of demand. For Rodríguez-Carretero, the program “comes to help, but it must encourage hybrids and the purchase of pre-owned clean technologies to get the oldest thermal ones out of circulation. Another of their demands is the advance of aid.

The Motorcycles have also experienced a market boom, although they sell less than half that of new cars. In October there were 221 registrationswhile the accumulated in ten months of 2023 reaches 2,195 units with an increase of 12.28 percent in the province of Córdoba.

The electric car

Rodríguez-Carretero also details the data of growth of the electric car sector, with a 34 percent increase so far this year, a fact that “has a certain trick” because it includes both pure electric vehicles and hybrids. The manager of Atradeco remember that throughout the province in 2023 Only 196 100% electric vehicles have been registeredso although the market is growing very strongly, its proportion with respect to sales of combustion cars remains “tiny.”

While, diesel cars continue to lose ground, which have fallen another 26 percent so far this year, despite the fact that they pollute 80 percent less than two decades ago. Gasoline cars, on the other hand, have seen their sales increase by eight percent.

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