
CCOO denounces the lack of personnel in the radiotherapy service of the Reina Sofía hospital

He Union of Health and Social and Health Sectors of CCOO denounces that the lack of personnel is causing the radiotherapy service of the Reina Sofia University Hospital of Cordova is not working at 100% of its capacity, which, if sustained over time, “will end up causing delays in care for cancer patients”.

The CCOO delegate at the health center David Sanchez explains that the radiotherapy service has four treatment units in which patients from Córdoba capital and throughout the province are treated, some of whom make journeys of more than an hour to receive assistance.

“These treatment units have been replaced by others with better performance and during the replacement period three of the four units have been offering treatment, theoretically, in morning and afternoon shifts, although on numerous occasions the afternoon shift has been closed to being able to deal with treatments on Saturdays, so the units do not operate at full capacity,” explains Sánchez.

Although the four units are already operational, “The fourth is closed waiting for staff to be hired.” radiotherapy specialist technician, which causes the saturation of the other three units and, if this continues, we greatly fear that there will begin to be delays in the care of cancer patients, something really very serious, given that not providing adequate assistance as quickly as possible can lead to a worsening of the disease and a decrease in health. quality of life of these patients,” highlights the union official.

For this reason, the CCOO Union Section at the Reina Sofía once again demands that the center’s management ensure that all services are covered by 100% of professionals, especially services such as radiotherapy, “which support an enormous healthcare activity.” “. In this sense, David Sánchez emphasizes that “CCOO has stated on multiple occasions that economic criteria cannot take precedence over health and that For the treatment of cancer patients, the approval of budgets should not be necessary to hire technicians radiotherapy specialists, since the immediacy of their treatment is vital for these patients and it does not make sense to invest in accelerators to have them inoperative due to not having qualified personnel to handle them.”

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