
Celebrities go back to school with Christian Gálvez in a new Telecinco format

Christian Gálvez returns to Telecinco prime time with a new contest. The communicator will take charge of ‘Celebrity School’a new format in which a group of well-known characters will have to face different knowledge, physical and musical challenges in front of primary, secondary and high school students.

In each installment of the new program that will be broadcast Telecinco, four different celebrities will star in a particular ‘back to school’in which students from three different grades will face different knowledge tests, physical and musical, among others: primary, secondary and high school.

Both celebrities and students will try to do their best to win, which will be rewarded with a prize that will be allocated to charities, if the first ones win, or to the improvement of the schools themselves if the seconds are victorious.

‘Celebrity School’ is an original German format released in Germany in 2017 through SAT1, which has broadcast five seasons with great success so far. The format returns to Spain after À Punt adapted it in 2020two years before he made the leap to Argentina with Canal 13.

This new format will be Mediaset’s second order for Christian Galvez after the cancellation of ’25 words’. It is worth remembering that this portal exclusively announced that the presenter will host Mediaset’s Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve specials with Verónica Dulanto.

According to the information to which this portal has had access, the Telecinco Christmas galas will be again produced by Fremantle (‘Got Talent’) and will feature different musical performances by well-known artists, who will sing their latest songs.

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