
Confident, excited and capable of working

Alejandro Delgado and Francisco Javier Córdoba are two alumni of the UCO programIncludes. For both, participate in the university professional training course in socio-labor and personal skills of the University of Cordobawhich this course celebrates its third edition, has been a transformative experience.

Alejandro states that «It has helped me grow as a person» and, above all, it has given him hope. When he started the course he was a withdrawn and shy boy, but now “I’ve lost the fear of speaking in public» thanks to the subjects of communication skills, cognitive training and mindfulness. In fact, she has even presented a paper at a conference and given a speech at the event. presentation of the UniDiversidad Summer Campus of the ONCE Foundation before the former Minister of Universities Joan Subirats on behalf of all students with disabilities in Spain.

In this sense, the director of the Inclusion Area of ​​the UCO, Carmen Cruzhighlights the value of the personal development module that “not only improves your quality of lifebut his employability». “Being a more autonomous, more empowered person, with greater decision-making capacity, all of this improves your chances of finding a job,” she says.


UCOIncluye is made up of three modulesin addition to a part introductory about life at the UCO and a transversal module Physical exercise and health and Tutoring that includes support, seminars, inclusive activities, etc.

The first module is dedicated to Personal development and includes training in digital skills, cognitive training and learning strategies, communication and emotional skills, support for autonomy and independent living, social skills and conflict resolution, psychological flexibility and mindfulness, education affective-sexual and decision making and empowerment. Module two addresses job skills and includes career guidance, training on health and occupational risk prevention, functional mathematics, sign language in supported employment work environments, and basic English in supported employment work environments.

Francisco Javier Córdoba feels happy to be able to work. CORDOVA

Lastly, the Module three, the Practicum, consists of practical preparation seminarsinternships in companies and an internship review seminar.

For Francisco Javier, learning to make a job resume It has been one of the aspects of the course that has interested him the most, that and sharing classes and experiences with his classmates.

Alejandro was very interested in English classes because «in the future I would like to be an English teacher. I have a B1 level and quite a bit of experience,” he remarks.

Alejandro Delgado: “We have barriers, although most of us put them on ourselves. “We all have capabilities”

The main objective of UCOIncluye is improve the employability of students with intellectual disabilities. In fact, the course includes internships in companies.

Francisco Javier is one of the students who has achieved the job placement. He made his internships at the City Council Montemayor, where he performed various administrative tasks. “I printed, I scanned,” she remembers. Now he works on his Montilla native, in a company dedicated to sale of cosmetic and hairdressing products.

Your partner Alejandro did his internship at the La Llave boutique hotel. the Jewish quarter where he performed various tasks and was able to practice English with the establishment’s clients.

Cruz highlights that the internships are carried out in companies, not in special employment centers, because the objective is the normalization of the employment of these people. In this sense, the head of the Inclusion Area recognizes that there is still work to do with companies. “The challenge is hiring” and “we have to encourage our business community to hire them because they are very prepared people and capable of working.”


Carmen Cruz emphasizes that UCOIncluye is a transformative experience for the students, but also for the families, companies and the educational community that participates in the project.

Fco. Javier Córdoba: “I would encourage other people to take the course, because you learn many things and you can work”

“It is our right eye because although it is very demanding and requires a lot of work, at the same time it is a program that gives a lot of satisfaction,” says the course director who comments that “the students are very happy and express it to us and in factfamilies ask us why the course is not extended to two years because there is enough training proposal to last two years.

He Positive effect is evident in participation in university life. UCOIncluye students have class, but they also go to the cafeteria of the Faculty of Education Sciences, and take part in the activities of the center and the student council and all of this has an impact on their self-esteem and their perception of themselves. which, in turn, impacts their employability. “People who were at home, who never went out, suddenly have a group of friends, they go out on weekends, they socialize and many parents don’t believe it,” says Carmen Cruz proudly.

But the impact goes beyond the UCO studentsIncluye and it has an impact on the perception of his colleagues at the UCO and the teaching staff. “We do not sufficiently value how they improve the university with their presence, with their commitment,” acknowledges the university manager who recognizes that “they give a lot of value to being at the University.”

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