
Course opening in Santos Mártires

The Holy Martyrs Foundation celebrated this Wednesday its opening ceremony for the 2023-2024 school year in the assembly hall of the Episcopal palace, whose capacity was completed with the assistance of the workers of this institution. The event featured a presentation titled The mission of the educator in the light of the Gospel, offered by the priest Napoleón Ferrández, professor at the San Dámaso Ecclesiastical University.

The director of the foundation, Maria Carbonell, welcomed the attendees, highlighting the importance of diocesan schools as tool for education integral of the person and his commitment to Christian values, and called not to confuse “the mandate that the Church gives us by attending only to the human dimension, but also to the integral dimension of the person.” The presentation of the guest was given by Rocío Asensio, deputy director of the foundation.

Napoleón Ferrández began his speech by thanking the Santos Mártires diocesan foundation for its work. During his speech, he reviewed “the educational work of Jesus Christ as a teacher of teachers,” the entity reported in a statement.

On your part, Demetrio Fernandezbishop of Cordova and president of the foundation, closed the interventions by highlighting the importance of education in the development of society and the need to keep alive the spirit of teaching based on Christian principles. “Students will be protagonists of the new era, so we have to prepare them to face it as a creative minority that will be capable of transforming the society where they will live,” he stated. The event ended with an emotional tribute to the retired professionals at the Santos Mártires diocesan teaching foundation.

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