
EAT IN CÓRDOBA | This is the top 3 torrijas in Córdoba for the Carcabulense foodie Juusogastro

We are in Lentprelude to the Easter in Cordova and that means time French toast. This traditional sweetbased on a simple recipeis experiencing its peak in these weeks, although its popularity has contributed to making it a timeless bite and that is not usually missing in the dessert menu of the majority of restaurants in the capital, yes, elevated to haute cuisine category thanks to the chefs reinterpretationwhich on a traditional basis achieve truly succulent creations.

Namely, for the most purists, the torrija It is made from a slice of bread soaked in milk, syrup or wine and, after being coated in egg, it is fried in a pan with oil. To finish, it is sweetened well with honey or sugar and flavored with cinnamon. From there, you can play with the choice of bread (it is very popular to use brioche) and the complements to the dish: crème anglaise, ice cream…

Torrijas is one of the typical dishes of Lent. CORDOVA

Where to find the best torrijas in Córdoba? It is difficult to make the right recommendation since practically most of the restaurants in the capital offer this dessert to their diners. Therefore, we have trusted the criteria of the foodie carcabulense Juusogastroexpert in creating gastronomic routes and discover the best delicacies of the province.

Three torrijas in Córdoba

With the prevention of having left any proposal behind, the influencer has prepared a top 3 with those that are for him the essential torrijas that you can eat in restaurants in Córdoba.

Restaurant El Envero

Located at number 21 Teruel Street, where chef Manu Valera proposes a torrija made from Telera Cordoba bread on a almond powderwith toasted butter ice cream.

Kitchen 33

Chef David brings us a more elaborate proposal based on Caramelized brioche bread with gentleman’s punch and topped with violet ice cream, which achieves a soft and crunchy effect at the same time. You can find it at Paseo de la Ribera, 24.

La Montillana Tavern

On San Álvaro Street, 5. One of the most requested desserts is their brioche torrija on a cold white chocolate soup with an ice cream salted caramel.

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