
Errejón will be this Saturday in Córdoba at the V Assembly of Más País Andalucía

The president of More Country Andalusia, Esperanza Gómez, explained this Thursday about the content of the V Andalusian Assembly of this party, which will be held this Saturday, the 7th, in Cordovawhich will be attended by both the federal spokesperson for Más País, Íñigo Errejón, such as the attendance of members of Sumar, in a scenario where the integration of this party in Sumar will be addressed.

Gómez has stressed that, in addition to this political movement, the intention of this Fifth Assembly is to corroborate “the firm commitment of training to youth and the environment”matters that he has defined as “cross-cutting axes within the party structure.”

The agreement for integration into the Sumar coalition before the July 23 elections to the Cortes Generales was signed by both Más País and Más Madrid, a step that Más País Andalucía will now complete, as sources from this party argue that “We are an autonomous party, with our own Cif.”

According to the political presentation of this V Assembly, entitled Adding up for extraordinary times, “the Council of Más País Andalucía considers that it is necessary to explore all avenues to strengthen the subject and the political space that has the most options of being influential in the future of our country and of which we are already part, in some way.

And in light of this reflection, he proposes “given the imminent organic and territorial deployment of Movimiento Sumar, the possibility of integrate ourselves into this exciting process of collective construction, sharing militancy with all the people with whom we have collaborated in the 23J campaign and, above all, with the thousands of people who are waiting for this Movement to join.”

“The day is loaded with political content that will mark the programmatic and organizational direction of the training, where young people will intervene to value their role within the current and future context of our party, as well as to remind us of the importance of caring for our environment and the fight against climate change”, in the words of Esperanza Gómez, according to a note from this party.

Errejón will raise the sociopolitical context of Spain

The program of this V Assembly of Más País Andalucía will begin with the intervention of the president of this party, which will be followed by a speech on the sociopolitical context of Spain by the spokesperson for Más País, Íñigo Errejón.

After both interventions, the reading of the political presentation proposed by the Council of Más País Andalucía will take place, which will be carried out by the Secretary of Political Strategy, Antonio Daponte.

This political event from Más País Andalucía will include youth participationwho will present two resolutions to the militancy to, on the one hand, value their role within training and point out the importance of youth “empowering and participating” in politics, and on the other, remember the effects that climate change produces on our Planet, the climate emergency that we have to live through and “how the progressive party must serve as a tool and vehicle to, from the institutions, put a stop to the barbarism that our ecosystem suffers.”

The event will be closed by Esperanza Gómez herself.

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