
Feijóo merges the Genoa and Congress teams to centralize the opposition to Sánchez beyond his barons

They were shuffling several names for the spokesperson in Congressbut Alberto Núñez Feijóo It was clear to me that, deep down, it had to be Miguel Tellado. The objective, they recognize in their hard core, is quite defined: to organize the work of the 137 deputies, very diverse, some with many stripes, and that the opposition work is absolutely cohesive around the figure of the popular leader. Feijóo’s showcase is the Congress. And now more than ever the national leadership, Genoa, the PP apparatus, takes positions in the parliamentary group. There will be hardly any differentiation. “The organic and the parliamentary are unified,” confirm the Galician team.

This is what he has sought with the restructuring of the leadership, where the first ring of power it barely changes hands: Cuca Gamarra remains number two, Carmen Funez He will lead the Organization and Tellado, his trusted man, the one who came from the Xunta with him, will control the parliamentary group. “The objective is that when Tellado speaks, he establishes his position as spokesperson or communicates the decisions to the deputies, everyone knows that he speaks through the mouth of Feijóo. That is incontestable. It is an extension of the boss,” different leaders agree in the reading.

The tough opposition against the Government of Pedro Sanchez is underway. The PP assumes that at this moment there is no other way, when the political environment has reached the maximum level of polarization. The fact that the president chose spoke of “raise a wall” in his investiture speech was a turning point for Feijóo’s party. They assume that the speech of the PSOE and its alliances with the independentists They demand a response without hesitation. Vox has lost a lot of weight in the Chamber and the popular believe that it will be seen every day.

What is clear is that Feijóo will articulate all his opposition in Congress and that is where he also aspires to consolidate the alternative to Sánchez, preparing for when the opportunity presents itself. The PP has almost total autonomous power (eleven autonomies, a shared government in the Canary Islands, and the cities of Ceuta and Melilla) and, however, those Autonomous presidents also have a part of weakness for Feijóo. Each one has a strategy and will look for their territory. It was clearly seen this Monday with the photo of Doñana of the Andalusian Juan Manuel Moreno and Vice President Teresa Ribera. An agreement with obvious political importance, which clashed squarely with the strategy of Isabel Diaz Ayusoopening two new wars, the water war and the AVE war between Madrid and Asturias, on the same day.

The difficulty of the PP in managing its national opposition and the message of each regional baron will have many responses in the legislature. Debt forgiveness, after the pact between PSOE and CKD and that the Treasury wants to extend to all autonomies, has already aroused misgivings within the PP. And several regional leaders agree with the same analysis. Hence, they continue, Feijóo wants to weave his new team, of total confidence, to avoid cracks in the parliamentary group. “The regional presidents have their governments, Feijóo has his group in Congress and it is the first force,” summarizes a leader with a long history.

Who wins and who loses

As in all internal changes, some lose and others win. Gamarra leaves one position (she had two) but is confirmed as general secretary. And Fúnez, who ran the social area, will dominate the organic area. Both have the confidence of the Galician.

Elias Bendodo, called to represent the Andalusian weight within the national leadership and, therefore, that of Juanma Moreno, drops down the ranks. That, on paper. He was number three and the general coordination disappears from the current leadership. He will have the power to unify the positions of the regional and municipal governments, and will continue to lead the demographic strategy. In Genoa they have always given a lot of importance to qualitative surveys when it comes to setting political messages and there, they say, Bendodo “will have a hand.” Although it loses weight in the organization chart, many in the party insist that it will now have its powers defined, which are considerably more than those it previously held. It will also have a more explicit measurement of results.

Feijóo was clear that he wanted to “give everyone their place.” But after June 23, when the party went into shock, nothing seemed certain. In the end, there will only be two exits: Pedro Rollán and Carmen Navarro. The first is the president of the Senate, and the second has her position on the Congress Board. Esteban González Pons He will continue to take care of the entire institutional area and many leaders place him in Europe in next year’s elections. Borja Semper It is a mystery because Genoa could continue without a fixed spokesperson, and opt for the rotation of leaders depending on the issue they want to address.

And the news that will be made public this Wednesday, before the national executive committee on Thursday that must validate the new leadership, points to three women who will disembark in Genoa. The conservative leader was very interested in feminizing the structure. And he will also serve to send a message of a certain renewal that until now no one has appreciated in the party.

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