
Felipe VI: “Dear Leonor, you will not be alone on your path”

King Felipe VI, before lunch begins in the great dining room of the Royal Palace, gave a speech in commemoration of the swearing in of the Constitution that the Princess of Asturias took this morning. “The oath of the Constitution of the Princess of Asturias before the Cortes Generales is the solemn expression of the commitment of the person who embodies the continuity of our parliamentary monarchy with our democratic principles and constitutional values. “The acceptance of the parliamentary system, Leonor, implies the recognition of the Cortes Generales as the institution that, with full legitimacy, represents the Spanish people, in whom national sovereignty resides. A people from whom all the powers of the State emanate and that hold the power of decision over all matters of the collective life of our country,” she added. “Dear Leonor, you will not be alone on your path. In your family you will find the necessary more personal support; and the whole of Spaniards—to whom you owe—will know how to recognize your dedication and dedication with her encouragement and affection,” Felipe VI continued before congratulating her daughter on her birthday and giving rise to the traditional toast.

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