
Full Hunter’s Moon with partial eclipse included for this Saturday in Spain

The full moon this Saturday, October 28, 2023 is preparing to give us a lunar eclipse. Although low in magnitude, this phenomenon promises to be one of the most interesting astronomical events of the year. In this article, we will delve into the mysteries of hunter’s moon and the fascinating details of the lunar eclipse.

What awaits us with the full moon in October 2023?

This October 28Spain and many parts of the world will witness a partial lunar eclipse. Since the 21:35 until 22:53 (Spanish peninsular time), we will all be able to delight in this phenomenon. And, although no special optical instrument is required for viewing, a pair of binoculars could intensify the experience.

This is what will happen

At 10:14 p.m., during the climax of the lunar eclipse, you will notice that the Earth will darken 12% of the lunar surface. That is why it is a partial eclipse, since it will not affect its entire disk. This is why most of our satellite will shine in all its splendor, immersing the night in the characteristic charm of the hunter’s moon.

This is what the eclipse will look like, like a ‘bite’ in the lower part of the Moon Stellarium

The best place to see the lunar eclipse on October 28?

Europe, Asia, Oceania, Africa and Eastern America will witness some phase of the eclipse. If you want uninterrupted viewing, Look for an elevated location, free of light pollution and without obstructions. Although the full moon in October 2023 will look majestic to the naked eye, weather conditions, such as rain or cloudy skies, could play tricks.

The reddish charm of the hunter’s moon

The million dollar question: Why a lunar eclipse? It occurs when the Earth blocks sunlight towards the moon, plunging it into a cone of shadow. This is where the magic happens. Unlike solar eclipses, which are brief and only visible from specific points, The lunar eclipse can be enjoyed from any place where it is night, and can last several hours. Furthermore, during the process, The moon takes on a reddish hue, giving it the nickname “hunter’s moon.”.

The name “hunter’s moon” has origins in The Old Farmer’s Almanac, which records the popular names given by North American and European civilizations to the monthly full moons. After the Harvest Moon comes the Hunter’s Moon, either in October or November. This full moon in October 2023 is essential for hunters, signaling the beginning of preparations for the cold winter. The absence of vegetation makes hunting easier, since the animals have nowhere to hide.

Appearance that the moon will present this Saturday at 10:14 p.m. Agencies

Various cultures have given different names to the October full moon, generally related to natural events of that season. Some examples are the “Rice Drying Moon” for the Dakota, or the “Ice Moon” and the “Falling Leaves Moon,” names that reflect the beauty of seasonal change.

Full moon and lunar eclipse: a celestial dance

A fascinating detail is that lunar eclipses only occur during the full moon phase. It is an alignment game between the sun, the Earth and the moon, in which our planet ‘covers’ the solar rays that reach the satellite.

Lunar eclipses: everything you need to know

He National Astronomical Observatory reminds us that there are three types of eclipses: total, partial and penumbral. Depending on the position of the moon with respect to the Earth’s shadow (umbra and penumbra), the eclipse varies in intensity. The one on October 28 is a partial eclipse, which means that only part of the moon will enter the umbra.

In short, get ready for a magical night full of charm with the full moon of October 2023 and the spectacular lunar eclipse. Whether you call it the hunter’s moon or simply enjoy the phenomenon, this is one astronomical quote you won’t want to miss. See you under the stars!

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