
Goodbye to the dryer: Leroy Merlin’s invention that replaces it for much less money

Two weeks of autumn storms have confirmed the definitive emergence of autumn on the Iberian Peninsula: after a period of climatic anomalies in which the temperatures have been well above the usual ones for this time of year, the fronts have finally been installed that have brought the rain, winds and lower temperatures.

Although this, in general, is good news from many points of view, it is a great disadvantage for families for one specific reason: with the arrival of the wettest season, the difficulty doing laundry homework is multiplied by many.

Compared to the summer period, in which we can find clean sheets, towels and other clothes dry in a matter of minutes; When winter arrives the time increases and there is even a risk of clothes getting wet if it starts to rain suddenly.

Some people cover their laundry with plastic to prevent it from getting wet with rainwater, but it is still an impractical measure for those who need to have their clothes dry quickly.

The dryer is the solution to many of these problems: a complementary appliance to the washing machine that is used to obtain t-shirts, pants, blankets and other clothes ready to use without having to go through the tedious process of waiting for them to dry. But not everyone can afford a dryer.

Disadvantages of the dryer

Although the advantages of a dryer are evident, not everything is a bed of roses: the first disadvantage of this appliance is its high price that can reach around 500 euros for a brand new device.

In addition to the initial investment to buy a machine that dries clothes, another factor must be taken into account: the price of electricity, which multiplied by the energy expenditure for each drying setting can have a serious impact on the electricity bill. . Finally, dry the clothes in the dryer It may cause some damage if not used properly.

Leroy Merlin’s invention that banishes the dryer

For an infinitely lower price, we have the option of acquiring an invention by Leroy Merlín that forever ends the need to have a dryer at home: it is a Electric clothes rack Designed to dry clothes quickly.

Leroy Merlínes’ electric clothesline a device, a lifelong clotheslinewhich connects to the electrical network and has a power of 100w: just enough to speed up the clothes drying process without having a big impact on the electricity bill.

It is a “foldable” device, with an operating indicator light, finished in silver, and dimensions of 55x95x75cm. According to the manufacturer’s own description, “The 100W electric drying rack has a large drying surface, it is very comfortable and practical for drying clothes quickly in winter and especially useful on rainy days. It is very easy to transport and store as it is made of super-light aluminum and with very low consumption”.

The trick so that clothes come out dry from the dryer

The fundamental trick to ensure that the clothes come out dry from the washing machine is to adjust the spin speed according to the type of fabric and the capacity of the machine. For delicate garments, select a lower speed, while for strong fabrics, opt for a higher speed.

It is also crucial not to overload the washing machine, as this makes the spinning process more difficult and will result in wetter clothes. Also, make sure you keep the washing machine filter clean and that there are no clogs in the drain, as this will allow water to be removed effectively during the spin cycle.

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