
Goodbye to yellow stains in the toilet: this trick is definitive

To clean the bathroom It is one of the most cumbersome household chores. Removing hair, leaving the shower like gold jets or removing stains from the toilet are some of the tasks to put into practice, but which make us lazier. Especially when the stains have appeared and getting rid of them has become complicated.

In the case of lavatory It is quite common that, over time, yellowish stains form that are very difficult to remove. In this article we explain how you can remove those stains effectively using a trick that you probably have in your kitchen: the coke.

How to remove toilet stains with Coca-Cola

Yes, you read it right. Coca Cola is a drink that can do much more than just quench your thirst. It is also an effective solution for cleaning yellow stains on the toilet bowl. Here we present the steps you must follow to use this Coca Cola trick:

  1. Empty the cup: Start by emptying the toilet bowl so you can work on it without problems.
  2. Pour Coca Cabbagea: pour a can of Coca Cola into the toilet bowl. Make sure you cover all the yellow stains with the drink.
  3. Let it actA: Let the Coca Cola sit for at least an hour. If the stains are very difficult to remove, you can leave the Coca Cola in the cup overnight.
  4. Rub with the brush: After the Coca Cola has sat for long enough, scrub the toilet bowl with a brush to remove any yellow stains. You will see that the stains come off easily thanks to the action of the acids present in Coca Cola.
  5. Rinse: Once you have removed all the yellow stains, rinse the toilet bowl thoroughly with clean water to remove any Coca Cola residue.

The reason behind this is that Coca Cola contains phosphoric acidan element that helps dissolve stains and dirt. In addition, Coca Cola also has deodorant properties, so your bathroom will have a fresh and pleasant aroma.

It is important to note that although Coca Cola is effective in removing yellow stains from the toilet bowl, is not a substitute for regular cleaning. Therefore, it is recommended that you clean the toilet bowl at least once a week to keep it in optimal condition.

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