
How to Cook Fish Pesmol at Home

Fish pesmol is a fish preparation that is easy for you to make and create into tilapia pesmol or mackerel fish. Apart from that, processed fish pesmol also has a delicious taste, you know! Curious about the recipe? Come see more in this article!

So, for those of you who are curious about how to cook fish pesmol, here we will provide the complete recipe. However, you need to know that preparing fish pistol seasoning takes quite a long time.

Without further ado, let’s just discuss the fish pesmol recipe!

Fish Pesmol Recipe

Eits, before we continue with the recipe and how to cook fish pistols, let’s first prepare the ingredients that you must have in your kitchen!

Fish Pesmol Ingredients

The following are the ingredients you must have if you want to cook a fish pistol.

The main ingredient:

  • One large tilapia fish that you have cut and filet
  • One teaspoon of lime
  • Half a teaspoon of salt
  • Oil to taste

Pesmol seasoning ingredients:

  • Two bay leaves
  • Two centimeters of crushed galangal
  • Six lime leaves (remove the bones and tear the leaves into small pieces) 
  • Twenty whole red bird’s eye chilies
  • Two large red chilies, sliced 
  • Ten sliced ​​red onions 
  • One and a quarter teaspoons of salt
  • A quarter teaspoon of ground pepper
  • Half a teaspoon of combed brown sugar
  • Seven hundred and fifty milliliters of water
  • One stalk of sliced ​​spring onion 
  • One teaspoon of lime juice
  • Two tablespoons of oil for frying 
  • Oil to taste

Ground seasoning ingredients:

  • Fifteen red onions
  • Six cloves of garlic
  • Six roasted candlenuts
  • One centimeter of ginger
  • Three centimeters of roasted turmeric

Now, let’s move on to how to make fish pesmol!

How to Cook Fish Pesmol

Below are the steps you must follow to make fish pesmol.

  1. First, coat the fish meat with salt and lime juice that you prepared earlier. After that, let it sit for fifteen minutes.
  2. Next, fry the fish until it is crusty in hot oil and over high heat. Then lift and drain.
  3. Next, heat the oil and saute the ground spices. Add bay leaves, lemongrass, galangal, lime leaves, red chilies, shallots and large red chilies. Then stir until it emits a fragrant aroma and pour in enough water.
  4. Next, add salt, ground pepper, and brown sugar to taste. Wait until it thickens and stir until evenly mixed. After that, add the lime leaves and spring onions. The fish pistol is ready for you to serve!

So, that’s how to cook fish pesmol at home. Good luck!

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