
Luz Gabás, among the participants of the Cabra Historical Novel Conference

María de la Sierra Sabariego and José Calvo Poyato.
Jose Moreno

With the presence of the writers Luz Gabás, Jorge Molist, Mª Amor Martín and José Calvo Poyato will be held in Goatat the Antonio Espinar Arcos Municipal Cinestudio next November 7th and 8th, the sixth edition of the Historical Novel Conferences. The event, organized by the Town Hall of Goat and coordinated by the writer and historian José Calvo Poyato, it will open on Tuesday, November 7 at 7:00 p.m. with the presentation Gonzalo Fernandez Cordovaa legendary character, by Calvo Poyato himself. After this presentation, the public will be able to enjoy the conference Córdoba, 10th century: the ambassador, the doctor and the caliph, which will be delivered by María Amor Martín, doctor in Hispanic Philology and author of book The Ambassador of Medina Azahara.

On Wednesday, November 8, the conference will continue with the presence of Jorge Molist, engineer and author of the novel The heartbeat of the sea who will offer the presentation titled The Mediterranean, Spanish sea in which he will analyze the expansion of the Crown of Aragon and the Hispanic Monarchy throughout the Middle Ages.

After this intervention, Luz Gabás, Planeta 2022 Prize winner, will speak with a conference titled Luz Gabás, from the Pyrenees to the heart of North America, which will address the Spanish presence on the American continent up to Alaska. The Cultural Delegate of the Cabra City Council, María de la Sierra Sabariegopresented this Tuesday this new edition of the conference, whose access is free until capacity is reached and prior registration will be required by email at or by calling 957 520 766

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