
Manuel Díaz ‘El Cordobés’ is left “frozen” by this surprise from ‘The Musical of your life’

The right-hander Manuel Díaz ‘El Cordobés’ He has been the guest this week on the program ‘The musical of your life’Telecinco’s new format in which celebrities remember important moments in their lives through a musical tailor-made for them.

The night unfolded between confessions, winks and complicity between the guest and the presenter Carlos Soberawith words for his wife, Virginia Troconis, his three children, his ex-wife, Vicky Martin Berrocaland of course, his father, Manuel Benítez ‘El Córdobés’with whom he recently made peace and to whom he says that “You have nothing to forgive”.

For the first time on television

But the surprise of the night for the right-hander came not with a song, but with a video of his mother, María Dolores Díaz, who appeared for the first time on television to transmit an emotional message to his son: “You are going to freeze because you know that I don’t appear on television, but I wanted to come in to congratulate you on the musical that they are preparing for you and tell you that I love you very much. Every day I am more proud to be your mother and that you are a beautiful person.”

The mother of Manuel Díaz ‘El Cordobés’ intervenes on television. TWITTER

At these words, Manuel Díaz ‘El Cordobés’, responded excitedly: “Hey, pretty!”, to then explain that it was the first time he appeared on television because he has always wanted to preserve his privacy. “My mother has been a very fighting woman. And I had to give back to my mother everything I have given back to her. It was my obligation as a son.”

As a bullfighter, I was born in Córdoba

In the conversation with Carlos Sobera, Manuel Díaz also had words for Córdoba: “I was born in Madrid, but as a bullfighter, I was born in Córdoba.” It was there where he had the opportunity to learn the trade and join a bullfighting school, the bullfighter explained.

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