
Moriles continues working on the mobility project for Andalucía Avenue

The Provincial Council of Córdobawithin the framework of the Feder call for Unique Low Carbon Economy Projects for local entities, and thanks to the Feder Pluriregional operational program of Spain (POPE) 2014-2020, has been in charge of the processing and technical design of the road reorganization project, urban design and promotion of pedestrian mobility of the Andalusia Avenue Of the municipality of Morileswhose initial budget amounts to 1,120,429 euros.

The delegate of Economic Development, Promotion and Employment of the provincial institution, Felix Romerohas evaluated the action included in eThe municipality’s sustainable urban mobility plan -carried out thanks to European funds- and has highlighted “the importance of this project since it will allow the improvement of one of the main arteries of the municipality, thus making it possible to offer citizens an improvement in the paving that will also imply, restrictions on motorized traffic and alternatives to heavy vehicle traffic, improvement of the walking school itinerary for the educational population, new informative and preventive signage and climate measures for tree planting.”

Institutional visit to Moriles. CORDOVA

In this sense, Romero explained that “public administrations have the ethical and legal obligation to design and develop public policies that involve the training of all citizens in respect for the environment, saving and conserving resources.” natural resources and the environment and convey the importance of advancing energy efficiency as a pillar of our way of life and prosperity in the medium and long term.”

134 projects

The third vice president also highlighted that “this project is one of the most important in the 134 presented to the IDAE, the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving, as it shows the institution’s commitment to reducing the carbon footprint in the municipalities of the province of Cordova to create cities that are kinder and more respectful of the environment.”

With the promotion of pedestrianizationit is expected that 21.4 tons of emissions per year will be stopped, which will mean that about 17 vehicles with an average distance of 10,000 kilometers per year will be eliminated from circulation.

Regarding investment, the total budget of the Moriles project amounts to 1,120,429 euros. Thus, the civil works, which have an investment of 1,056,361 euros, include technical assistance from the service of evaluation of environmental externalities of the municipality’s mobility and the effect of the development of actions included in the proposed traffic management and delineation and architectural visualization of the project for the reorganization, urban design and promotion of pedestrian mobility of Andalucía Avenue.

Dissemination campaign

In addition, it contemplates a dissemination campaign on Reorganization, urban design, and promotion of pedestrian mobility on Andalucía Avenue. The European Union contributes 61.58%, the Moriles City Council 18.75% and the Provincial Council 19.67%.

For her part, the mayor of Moriles, Francisca Carmonathanked the provincial institution for its involvement in this project that he considers essential and essential for the municipality and has assured that “it will change the appearance of the municipality, beautifying the center and revitalizing it, which is what worries us, because it involves a change in the social model and habitat.”

Likewise, the councilor concluded by assuring that “once the works are completed, Moriles will have a space for enjoyment and coexistence that will become small parks within the main center, where people will be more important than vehicles.”

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