
New battle between Ana Rosa and Sonsoles over Manu Tenorio and his controversial “inquiokupas”: both are selling their exclusive rights to him

The controversy surrounding Manu Tenorio and his “inquiokupas”, as he himself has called them, is making headlines in the media. After the uproar, today, the former contestant of ‘Operación Triunfo’ has announced on his social networks that this Tuesday, September 17, he would appear on ‘Código 10’, the news program presented by Nacho Abad and David Aleman, together with Words that conveyed dissatisfaction with the uproar that had arisen: “It seems that, here, the logical thing is to believe those who are worried.”. In addition, the singer posted other words on the social network X, which confirmed his animosity towards some public speeches that have been made these days regarding the case: “it is obvious that it is impossible to deal with so many ignorant people…”

Despite saying goodbye with these words until Tuesday night, the singer has surprised the audience by appearing almost simultaneously on ‘TardeAr’, with Ana Rosa Quintana, and on ‘Y ahora Sonsoles’, with Sonsoles Ónega, who has announced her first television interview after the commotion a few minutes after the singer’s two posts on his social networks. After the Antena 3 presenter announced this exclusive interview, Ana Rosa got ahead of her and previously obtained the singer’s first words This afternoon, via video call. During the singer’s explanations on ‘TardeAr’, he has made reference on more than one occasion to the fact that he had to leave until Ana Rosa said goodbye to him. And, minutes later, Manu Tenorio appeared on Sonsoles’ programme to be interviewed by her from the set.

In TardeAR, Tenorio has defended himself from the words that María Teresa Pérez, co-spokesperson for Podemos, had pronounced hours before his intervention. In this way, The singer wanted to deny the accusations of someone he defined as a “real disgrace”, who had accused him of promoting a “false discourse on squatting”According to the tenants of his home, the problem is not that he was not paid, but that the artist’s debts with the Treasury have led the Administration to request that money directly for the public coffers.

In light of the statements, Manu Tenorio has denied in both programs having debts with the Treasury or having received letters from the public administration, despite acknowledging that he does maintain tax deferralsa fact that he has tried to downplay, saying that it is something that is common for many people. In addition, the former contestant of ‘Operación Triunfo’ has defended that they have not paid him for more than a year and that the two people who are his tenants both work.

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