
RESCUE HELLÍN ALBACETE | This is how a woman trapped inside her car was rescued during the floods in Hellín, Albacete

A road in Hellín, under a bridge, became a trap for a driver. She was flooded by the water that was coming down this gully. Her vehicle could not move forward and she was paralyzed by fear. “You have to take into account the age of the woman and the amount of water that was falling at that moment, so that you couldn’t see anything,” says Pedro Carretero, a local police officer from the municipality of Albacete. The firefighters were able to rescue the woman, calming her down and moving her away from the current. The danger of a torrent that even concealed sinkholes should not be underestimated. Another car fell into one of them, whose occupants were able to escape unharmed. The mayor of Hellín, Manuel Serena, clarifies that they are part of an archaeological zone and “even though there were signs, the rain prevented him from seeing it and the car sank in.” In another rescue in a house, the firefighters could not even find the exit to get the neighbors out who were also trapped by a storm whose consequences have not yet been overcome.

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