
Residents and businesses hope that the future Lepanto parking lot will be shared use

The neighbors and merchants in the Lepanto area, in the capital of Córdoba, hope that the new parking lot will make commercial and neighborhood uses compatible. As announced last Tuesday by the Mobility delegate of the Córdoba City Council, Bernardo Jordano, a new high-rise parking lot, with at least two floors, will be built at the back of the old Lepanto barracks. It will be done for compensate for the hundred places that will be lost in the Marrubial round when the remodeling works on the avenue begin. The area in which the parking will be located already functions as such and is managed by the La Viñuela Open Shopping Center, whose president, Manuel Calvoexplains that there are about 190 places that, he understands, will be doubled with the future project.

Yes Calvo adds that what The merchants in the area would have liked it if the City Council had transferred the project to them, since they have found out through the media. The open shopping center has been managing the space for years through an agreement with the City Council that is renewed annually and four people with disabilities work there to keep everything ready. As Calvo indicates, They have associates that they have to provide service to.taking into account that, in addition, part of the parking is free for one hour if purchased at a store in the area and paid in any other case.

New parking planned in Lepanto. CORDOVA

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What yes merchants celebrate is that the space is going to gain in quality and spaces with the new parking lot, although at the moment the deadlines that the City Council is considering to implement it are unknown.

A neighborhood project

The president of Citizen Movement Council (CMC)Juan Andrés de Gracia, for his part, remembers that the parking was a request from the Levante District Council since the Marrubial reform project became known. In the second phase of rehabilitation of the avenue They will intervene in the part next to the homes, where around a hundred vehicles are parked right now. During the work itself and once it is completed, that space (whether legal to park or not) is lost.

De Gracia remembers that the remodeling leaves that part of the avenue completely pedestrian and with garden areas, hence an alternative has to be proposed for all the vehicles that until now parked there. The president of the Citizen Movement does understand that There will be a period of time, it is not known how long, in which neither the new parking lot will be built nor will it be possible to park in the Marrubial because it will already be under construction..

Of concrete Grace that We will have to wait to see the work plan and analyze whether the work will be done in parts or applied to the entire avenue from the beginning.. It will also be necessary to take into account the deadlines in which the new parking will be built, which is under study, that is, without a specific project. Then it will have to be put out to contract with the times that the administration stipulates.

More alternatives

Parking problems in this part of the city, however, are not new. As De Gracia recalls, there were several initiatives to provide parking in these neighborhoods, but in the end none of them went ahead (except this last one announced by Jordano). In it same place where the new parking is going to be built, Vimcorsa even proposed an underground one. Another idea was to do it below the surface, but in the same round of Marrubial. Tastings were held evidenced the presence of archaeological remainsso this proposal was discarded.

For the president of the CMC, the key is to find a place to put those hundred cars that are going to be left without space with the works “promptly.” The most viable alternative being the one that Mobility is now studying.

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