
School performance (also) depends on visual health

The lack of Visual health directly affects the academic performance. “A Strong headache After a period of study, it is a symptomatology that makes us think of a visual problem latent”, states the study ‘The state of the adolescent visual health in Spain’, presented this Wednesday in Madrid by the Visión y Vida association, Fundación Mapfre and Correos Express. The report reveals that, in Spain, young people fail in visual health: 29.6% of kids between 12 and 18 years old have myopia.

A child who cannot see well stops paying attention in class because he is not able to process the information

The study includes a survey in which one in three young people from 12 to 18 years old admit to having trouble staring for more than ten minutes at a time, whether on screens or in paper books. Furthermore, when asked if they get a headache after studying, four out of ten (42.1%) admit these discomforts. One in three (33.1%) feel that their eyes They sting them while they study.

42.1% of students claim to have a headache after studying

The greatest challenge of ophthalmology is – as recently stated in the Education and Parenting Club of El Periódico de Cataluña, of Prensa Ibérica, the ophthalmologist Javier Fernández- control the ‘boom’ of patients with myopia What is expected in the coming years. From non-myopic parents, a myopic child can be born and from myopic parents, a non-myopic child can be born. The problem with the abuse of screens at increasingly earlier ages is the amount of time that the child spends without performing two basic gestures for visual health: strain your long-distance vision and blink.

Lack of visual health can have negative impact on school performance. “A child who does not see well stops paying attention in class because he is not able to process the information correctly,” highlights Dr. Fernández. “They read blurry, they have a hard time concentrating on reading and they don’t pay much attention. But he doesn’t know anything else and thinks it’s normal,” recalls the doctor.

The screens

The report by Visión y Vida, Fundación Mapfre and Correos Express includes the use and abuse of screens. “We know that new generations make intensive use of cell phones during the day. And many, six out of ten, have the habit of using them when they go to sleep,” the study highlights.

“We must keep in mind that up to the age of 7 there is no recommended time to use screens in terms of visual health: their system is not developed to deal with it and it is best to limit their use until after that age” , Explain Lluís Bielsavice president of Vision and Life.

Screens are accomplices but not directly responsible for myopia, a vision defect that has genetic and environmental factors.

The direct relationship between electronic devices and the fact that there are more and more myopic boys and girls has not yet been scientifically proven, according to Conchi Lillo, biologist and doctor in Neuroscience and author of ‘Open your eyes!’, an essay. published by Next Door Publishers that discusses vision health. Screens are “accomplices” but not directly responsible for myopia, a vision defect that has genetic and environmental factors.. In Spain, according to the INE, 25% of minors between 6 and 15 years old are myopic.

The last research What they have demonstrated is the direct relationship between the myopia and lack of exposure to natural light. What happens to boys and girls who spend many hours with screens (or paper books) is that their eyes do not secrete dopamine. Doing so would inhibit eye growth and prevent typical lengthening produced in myopia. Conclusion: boys and girls (and also young people) need to spend more time doing outdoor activities.

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