
She breaks her ‘ex’s cheekbone and nose while working as a waitress in Zaragoza

The last hours of the working day in the hospitality sector include, on the one hand, refilling the chambers with bottles of beer and soft drinks and, on the other, cleaning the establishment to get it ready for its opening to the public. next day. These were the tasks that this Sunday were left to the waitress of a bar in the Casablanca neighborhood of Saragossa until his ex-partner decided to pull him out from behind the bar and give him a brutal beating with kicks and punches. So much so that broke his cheekbone and nose and she was urgently transferred to the Miguel Servet hospital in the Aragonese capital at the same time that the agents were taking this man of Romanian nationality into custody.

The events referred to date back to late last Sunday afternoon. This individual entered the Barrios Tavern on Embarcadero Street around 9:00 p.m. and there he waited for at least an hour until the last customer walked out the door. Finding himself alone and ensuring that no one could interfere with his attack, He decided to jump to the other side of the bar to get his ex-partner out of there while grabbing her hair. When he succeeded, he did not hesitate to pounce on her while he gave her a good number of punches and kicks. They left a trail of blood on the floor and furniture of the bar. The girl tried to get away from his blows, although he responded more aggressively every time she made a move to leave the tavern.

Such were the noises and screams coming from inside the establishment.or that even a passer-by noticed all this. She tried to seek help and found it in the Alcampo security guard who is located a few meters from the bar. It was the latter who decided to raise the alarm at the 091 emergency room, but not before raising the blinds of the bar and urging the victim to go out with him. He managed to get him to safety.

A crew from the Citizen Security Brigade of the Higher Headquarters of Aragonwhose callsigns quickly confirmed the severity of the victim’s injuries and ordered his transfer to a hospital immediately. It was no wonder because he was bleeding from his lip, he had a severe bruise on his eye – he could barely open it.laugh – and everything indicated that his nose and cheekbone had been broken. In fact, he even told them that he had even feared for his own life.

A cigarette and a beer

But the attacker had not fled the bar. The agents verified that he remained calmly behind the bar while He smoked a cigarette and drank a glass of beer. At no time did she deny the attack against her ex-partner, although she tried to justify that she was a “whore.” because he had started a conversation with other customers at the Barrios Tavern and, as a result, he had gone crazy, victim of an attack of jealousy.

Nor could he deny the evidence because, first, his face, his knuckles and his clothes were soaked in blood as a result of the punches he inflicted. inflicted on the victim and, second, the chairs and tables of the bar were thrown on the floor and there were also traces of blood there. This entire account of events can be objectively corroborated thanks to the recordings of the video surveillance cameras installed inside the bar and that the National Police Corps Police has already requested its owner.

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