
Strangled during the cry of “it’s over”

The same afternoon of the demonstrations against gender violence, at the same moment in which the women went out divided to demonstrate according to whether their heart was more violet or red, Leiticia was strangled by her husband Antonio under the gaze of two two-year-old children. and three years. In that house, in the last hours it is likely that the “it’s over” of the institutional campaign of the Ministry of Equality was heard through the sound of the TV or radio. She shouldn’t have thought that in her case he was going to be so literal and end her life right that afternoon. The murderers do not understand institutional or citizen mobilizations, and I imagine the disdain with which she must have received those women singing that her world was different. He knew that it was not true, that in addition to the force of evil he had the force of the gun on his bedside table, and the chorus of those who deny that gender violence exists, that before everything was much simpler because they did not leave the home, even if they hit you normally. Leticia was not going to separate, he was going to make sure not to let her.

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