
The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years. In the photo, the president of Prensa Ibérica Javier Moll, the vice president of Prensa Ibérica Arantza Sarasola and the director of Alba Idoia Moll.

Ferran Nadeu

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years.

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years. In the photo, the president of Prensa Ibérica Javier Moll and the vice president of Prensa Ibérica Arantza Sarasola.

Ferran Nadeu

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years.

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years. In the photo, the president of Prensa Ibérica Javier Moll and the vice president of Prensa Ibérica Arantza Sarasola.

Ferran Nadeu

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years.

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years. In the photo, the president of Prensa Ibérica Javier Moll and the vice president of Prensa Ibérica Arantza Sarasola.

Ferran Nadeu

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years.

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years. In the photo, Álvaro Alcolea, Arantxa Moll, Susi Moll, David Martínez, the director of the publishing house Alba Idoia Moll, the president of Prensa Ibérica Javier Moll, the vice president of Prensa Ibérica Arantza Sarasola, Ainhoa ​​Moll, Usoa Arregui and the CEO of Aitor Moll Iberian Press.

Ferran Nadeu

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years.

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years. In the photo, David Martínez, Javier Moll (president of Prensa Ibérica), Ainhoa ​​Moll, Idoia Moll (director of Alba editorial), Arantza Sarasola, Olivier Martínez Moll, and Aitor Moll (CEO of Prensa Ibérica).

Ferran Nadeu

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years.

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years. In the photo, the president of Prensa Ibérica Javier Moll, the general director of Prensa Ibérica Sergi Guillot, the executive president of Holaluz Carlota Pi and the CEO of Prensa Ibérica Aitor Moll.

Ferran Nadeu

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years.

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years. In the photo, the president of the editorial committee of El Periódico Joan Tapia and the general director of Prensa Ibérica in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands Fèlix Noguera.

Ferran Nadeu

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years.

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years. In the photo, the writer and journalist Inés Martín Rodrigo.

Ferran Nadeu

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years.

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years. Gloria Gutiérrez and Maribel Luque, Carmen Balcells Agency.

Ferran Nadeu

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years.

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years. In the photo, Ainhoa ​​Moll and Joan Vehils.

Ferran Nadeu

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years.

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years. Luis Solano and Aurora Cuito, from the Libros del Asteroid publishing house.

Ferran Nadeu

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years.

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years. In the photo, the illustrator Amaia Arrazola.

Ferran Nadeu

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years.

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years. The editor of Tusquets Juan Cerezo.

Ferran Nadeu

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years.

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years. The editor and writer Luis Magrinyà with the writer and editor Manuel Guedán.

Ferran Nadeu

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years.

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years. In the photo, the communications director of Grupo Planeta Patrici Tixis with the editor Idoia Moll.

Ferran Nadeu

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years.

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years. In the photo, the communications director of Grupo Planeta Patrici Tixis with the general director of Prensa Ibérica Sergi Guillot.

Ferran Nadeu

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years.

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years. The translators Marta Sánchez-Nieves, Amaya García Gallego, Concha Cardeñoso and Joaquín Fernández.

Ferran Nadeu

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years.

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years. In the photo, Isalbel Loscertales, Woman journalist; the writer and critic Anna Caballé and Mini Roca de Alba publishing house.

Ferran Nadeu

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years.

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years. In the photo, journalist Sergio Vila-Sanjuan.

Ferran Nadeu

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years.

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years. In the photo, the president of Prensa Ibérica Javier Moll and the vice president of Prensa Ibérica Arantza Sarasola.

Ferran Nadeu

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years.

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years. In the photo, the president of Prensa Ibérica Javier Moll, the director of El Periódico de Catalunya Albert Sáez, the general director of management of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands of Prensa Ibérica Fèlix Noguera and the director of Institutional Relations of Prensa Ibérica Carmelo Calvo.

Ferran Nadeu

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years.

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years.

Ferran Nadeu

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years.

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years.

Ferran Nadeu

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years.

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years.

Ferran Nadeu

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years.

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years. In the photo, Jorge Fauró and Armando Huerta.

Ferran Nadeu

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years.

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years. In the photo, the journalist and writer Olga Merino.

Ferran Nadeu

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years.

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years. In the photo, the head of Culture of El Periódico de España Jacobo de Arce and the filmmaker Albert Serra.

Ferran Nadeu

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years.

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years. In the photo, Àlex Salmon, director of the Abril supplement.

Ferran Nadeu

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years.

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years. In the photo, the director of the Alba Idoia Moll publishing house.

Ferran Nadeu

The Alba publishing house toasts its 30 years.

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