
The art of challenging limits

“To say that the avant-garde is dead is a betrayal of the fight to change the world”. The quote is from Antoni Tàpies and refers to that transforming role of art that gained strength at the beginning of the 20th century, with the avant-garde rebelling against academicism, pushing established limits and challenging norms.

In each of the avant-garde movements (impressionism, cubism, futurism, expressionism, dadaism…) the creator invents new artistic languages ​​and allows himself the freedom to experiment. They were difficult times, times of change and Europe then became the reference point of the art world.

Today, a century later, in the midst of the digital revolution, the countries around us are charting their path towards a future that comes hand in hand with innovation, technology and a new way of living with nature and the environment. The planet is once again experiencing a profound transformation and the universe of art is once again forcing its seams, investigating new ways of expressing itself without ties or strictures to tear down the last borders of art: those of time, those of space, those that separated the work of the viewer. And in that new twist, The West looks towards Japan.

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