
The Ateneo de Palma del Río advances in its objective of having a library of local authors

The Scientific and Artistic Athenaeum of Palm of the River has renewed its agreement collaboration with the City Council through the Culture delegation in the objective of continue building a library of authors and themes of the city, continue with the work of the Club of Reading and meetings with authors.

This is an agreement which amounts to 2,000 euros, According to the Councilor for Culture, Mari Ángeles Zamora, which highlights the work of this entity, which was born in March 2021. The president of the Ateneo, Aníbal de la Torreadds other lines of association that pass through informative meetings, in addition to announcing that it is going to be celebrated a talk about mental health in young people and the presentation of four books.

Between now and the Christmas holidays it also stands out the christmas candy gathering and the second documentary about trades and traditions in the city on the profession of shepherd, after presenting a document on the profession of carpenter.

The president of the association clarifies that there are more than 130 atenists, a board of directors of 15 people from the world of literature, musichistory, etc., ensuring that, “above all, they are people who want to do things.”

The Ateneo has called the second edition ofl Entre Ríos Photography Contest under the theme of the city’s natural environment. An exhibition will be organized with the finalist works and there are 700 euros in prizes.

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